Trump and Putin spoke for an hour of the crisis in Venezuela


The presidents of the United States and Russia, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, spoke today by phone about the situation in Venezuela, an issue on which the former reiterated "the need for a peaceful transition." "and the second, according to which any solution must be brought without interference. foreigners, the respective governments reported.

"I think I have a very positive conversation with President Putin about Venezuela," Trump told the press a few hours later at the White House.

Putin "does not think at all to get involved in Venezuela, he wants something positive to happen in Venezuela, and I feel the same," Trump added, according to the EFE news agency.

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Prior to this statement, presidential spokeswoman Sarah Sanders had stated that Trump "reiterated the need for a peaceful transition" in Venezuela during the interview with Putin, which lasted more than a year. 39, an hour and in which the leaders also addressed other issues.

Asked about the possibility of an evasive military intervention by Venezuelan government president, Nicolás Maduro, Sanders replied that "all options are on the table" and that Trump "will do what is necessary , if necessary".

At the same time, Putin pointed out that "external interference in Venezuelan affairs and attempts to force a change of government in Caracas undermine prospects for a political solution to the crisis" in the Caribbean country, according to a statement from the Russian government.

The note added that the Russian leader "stressed that only the Venezuelan people is responsible for the decision of the future of his country," reported the Russian news agency Sputnik.

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The Kremlin also said that during the Washington-generated dialogue, issues such as the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the situation in Ukraine and various aspects of bilateral relations were discussed.

The phone call took place as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the White House National Security Advisor, John Bolton, went to the Pentagon to study possible military options for Venezuela.

Following this meeting, Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan said that the United States had "a wide range of possibilities suited to different conditions", which they did not detail , to act with regard to the situation in Venezuela.

When asked if he was afraid to manipulate misinformation about Venezuela, as was the case for the United States in Iraq, Shanahan replied, "I have great confidence in the quality and the accuracy of the information we get.I do not think that there is a failure of intelligence. "

On Tuesday, after the military military uprising that unsuccessfully sought to overthrow Maduro from the government, Elliott Abrams, Pompeo's special representative, Bolton and Washington, Venezuela, admitted that the initiative had failed because it did not have the complicity of senior officials of Chavez who would have committed it.

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In addition to Shanahan, Pompeo and Bolton, the director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, also participated in the meeting at the Pentagon; General Joseph Dunford, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, and Admiral Craig Faller, Chief of the Southern Command of the Armed Forces.


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