Trump and the endless threat: he reiterates his intention to close the border with Mexico


"Mexico is doing nothing to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants into our country, they are all conversations and no action," Trump told Twitter. "I can close the southern border!"

Trump also accused the Central American countries of inaction and many migrants. "In the same way, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador took our money for years without doing anything. Democrats do not care about these bad laws"he wrote.

To integrate

Mexico is doing nothing to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants into our country. They are all talking and no action. Similarly, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador have been taking our money for years and doing nothing. Dems of not care, such as BAD laws. Can close the southern border!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2019

The Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obradorreplied Trump, saying that his country is "tackling the issue" and insisted that "the causes of migration must be treated in a fundamental way". López Obrador said his government will "help" as much as possible. "We do not want to confront the US government under any circumstances," he said.

Trump has already made similar threats in the past. In December, in the early days of the closing of the longest federal government in the United States, he promised to close the border "completely" if Congress did not approve $ 5.7 billion to build a wall.

After a fiscal paralysis that lasted more than a month and turned into a political crisis due to Congress's refusal to yield, Trump reopened the government, but immediately declared a national emergency to bypbad the legislature. His decision provoked the condemnation of his Democratic rivals and Republican compatriots.

After his emergency declaration was censored in Congress, both by the House, controlled by the Democrats, and in the Senate – where Republicans are in the majority and where 12 senators voted aligned with the opposition – Trump was forced to use for the first time the presidential veto to move forward with his wall initiative.

His critics accuse him of abuse of power and exaggeration of the border problem, as well as to set a dangerous precedent.

The US president is seeking to unlock the funds needed to carry out one of his main campaign promises: the construction of a border wall, a theme that feeds each of his electoral gatherings.

According to data released by CBP in February, the number of undocumented immigrants held at the US border with Mexico exceeded 76,000, double the number registered in the same month a year ago and 3.2 times more than the same period in 2017. According to the government's forecasts, at this rate, the total number of arrests in March would exceed 100,000, which would be a maximum in a decade.


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