Last week, the two-day meeting in Washington between the Chinese Deputy Prime Minister and the Liu He, Xi Jinping's right hand in economic, financial and monetary matters, and Robert Lighthizer, North American Sales Representative (USTR), concluded by a comprehensive agreement on the "structural problems" of China, questioned by the United States, first, the defense of intellectual property of transnational corporations (44% of the total are US).
The priority given to intellectual property is centered on the "Made in China 2025" program, which the United States considers an "existential threat" to their "vital interests" (National Security Strategy / 2017). The agreement will be sealed by a new personal meeting between Trump and Xi Jinping which will take place in the last week of February in Chinese territory.
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Monday to Friday afternoon.
It's a political / strategic pact, not economic or commercial. It refers to the balance of power between the two superpowers; and establishes by its nature the new basic structure of global power. Trump and Xi Jinping set the guidelines for a new world state.
Trump and Xi Jinping have restored the essential character of political leadership in the phenomenon of power, concealed by the hegemony of an anonymous and irresponsible bureaucracy created by the technological revolution, according to its "instrumental" nature ("The world modern is the fight of charisma against bureaucracy, "says Max Weber). Trump and Xi Jinping agreed on a global energy system based on ongoing cooperation and coordination among the superpowers, in which the last resort is the irrefutable will of the two leaders.
The first of the "structural aspects" agreed in Washington is the unlimited defense of "intellectual property" of North American transnationals, sanctioning all forms of forced transfer, which implies the disappearance of joint ventures within three years. This priority is based on the principle that, in advanced capitalism, the essential is not the "ownership of the means of production", but the domain of knowledge, more important than capital or labor. The only capital that counts in the fourth industrial revolution is the "intellectual" capital, not the fixed or sunk capital.
As a political / strategic pact, what matters in the Trump / Xi Jinping agreement, these are not the principles, but the results. Everything revolves around "how, when and where". Politics is a world of realities, no intentions.
Therefore, each of the agreed points is accompanied by the precise identification of its implementation instruments, under the control of a permanent commission of both parties, with a direct and constant dialogue, without intermediaries, between Trump and Xi Jinping.
Standard & Poor's (S & P Global) – the leading US valuator of securities and securities – badumes a similar role in the stock market of the People's Republic (the second largest in the world after the 13 billion US dollar) from 1 January 2019; and Fitch and Moody's, its Wall Street competitors, were added in 2019.
Bloomberg incorporates Chinese securities as a reminder on April 1 at Barclay Global Bonds Index (US $ 54 billion), which will be the 4th place in foreign currency (1st in dollars, then in euros and yen in 3rd place), while they are ready to be the 2nd in 2 years.
China's goal is to double foreign investments (FDI), mainly the technology and capital intensive United States, by 2-3 times over the next 3-5 years. Last year, the People's Republic received $ 138,000 million in FDI, plus $ 100,000 million through Hong Kong. The average tariff of the People's Republic is 7.5% and it would be halved in the next 3 years (current level of the United States).
The reform phase launched by Xi Jinping aims to "… create in China a global trading environment for large transnational corporations", especially North American companies, achieve a qualitative leap in the process of global integration of the capitalist system.
The Trump / Xi Jinping deal is transformed by the weight of things (the two superpowers account for more than 40% of global GDP and account for nearly 50% of the growth of the global economy in 2018) in the line central politics of the global society created by the revolution of technology in the 21st century.
The vision on which this historic pact is based is that humanity, fully integrated, has a shared future of prosperity and realization of the full creative potential of individuals and peoples (that is the other name of happiness). For this, the path that the world must go through in the next 10/15/20 years is cooperation, integration and stability; and all this at the same time as a new industrial revolution in the global economy, the fourth in the history of capitalism.
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