Trump announced an agreement to reopen the US government not to mention the wall


The reopening of the federal government will only last three weeks Trump said he would provide funding for federal services until February 15. This day will return to fiscal paralysis if consensus is not reached to get the budget for the construction of the wall.

Trump was "proud" of the tentative agreement that he presented this Friday at the White House. Never in the history of the United States has the federal administration been so long in closing.

Regarding the efforts of state employees, Trump said that the 800,000 people affected (who receive their salary every 15 days) will start collecting wage arrears "as soon as possible".

The agreement does not include specific funds for the border wall with Mexico, one of the key promises of Trump's election campaign, which suppose a victory for the democratic opposition, which had opposed frontally to finance the barrier.

But Trump insisted on his intervention from the White House on the existence of a "humanitarian crisis" on the southern border of the country, what according to him that requires the construction of the wall. "We have no choice but to build a strong wall or a steel barrier," he said.

The agreement between Trump and the deputies, will be voted this Friday night in the Senate where the majority is Republican and must be approved in the Upper House by 60 of the 100 members. Only then will it be forwarded to the House of Representatives, led by Democrat Nancy Pelosi and taken back by the opposition party.

Among other disadvantages, the closure of the government led to the suspension by the Federal Aviation Administration of flights to LaGuardia, the airport serving New York, because the air traffic controllers did not go to work this Friday for lack of remuneration.

Just 40 minutes after the Trump announcement, the business at LaGuardia has resumed. By 12 am local time (including 14 in Argentina), delays have been moderate, although they have affected other facilities such as Boston or Atlanta airports, the busiest in the world, due to traffic detours. air.


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