Trump announced on Twitter that he would not attend Joe Biden’s takeover


Donald Trump announced this Friday on Twitter that he would not go to the nomination of Joe Biden on January 20, in a new anti-democratic gesture by the outgoing president. Only 3 leaders in history did not attend these ceremonies.

After regaining his account, which had been suspended for 12 hours for his inflammatory rhetoric, he told his constituents that in the future he will have “a giant voice”.

“To everyone who asked: I will not go to the inauguration on January 20.”

Until this tweet, nobody knew what Trump would do on January 20.

Three absent presidents

The outgoing president did not appear during the new president’s oath only three times in history from the United States, and the last to do so was Andrew Jackson 152 years ago.

Until now, Trump had only recognized the impending transfer of power after the attack on the capital. the vice president Mike Pence plans to attend at the ceremony.

Clarín announced Thursday that Trump had planned to visit one of his golf clubs in Scotland so as not to attend the inauguration, news which prompted the Scottish government to ask London to prevent him from attending. enter the UK.

Jimmy Carter has announced that he will not be attending, the first guess that the 96-year-old former president has jumped since taking office in 1977. He has remained at home most of the time due to the pandemic. Former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton will be in attendance.

The organizers of the ceremony have previously urged supporters not to travel to Washington in person due to the pandemic. The stands built for the crowd of spectators in front of the White House were recently dismantled.

The pick-up lunch will also not take place and the parade will be virtual, similar to what the Democratic Party did at the August online convention.

Macri-Cristina, the antecedent

Trump’s absence during Biden’s inauguration is reminiscent of what happened in Argentina when Mauricio Macri took office, following Cristina Fernández.

In 2015, the transfer of command between Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri was one of the the most fired since the return of democracy.

On the one hand, Cristina wanted to organize the official ceremony in the Legislative Assembly. And Macri wanted it to be at Casa Rosada.

Mauricio Macri's hypothesis.  Photo: MARCELO CARROLL

Mauricio Macri’s hypothesis. Photo: MARCELO CARROLL

In the end, it was not resolved the way neither of them expected.

Macri sought to follow protocol. He argued that the transfer should take place at Casa Rosada because in this way “tradition was being respected”. With this post, the president-elect was sworn in at the Legislative Assembly and then traveled to Casa Rosada for the transfer of command.

To make this point, Macri relied on the ceremonial regulations of the presidency of the Nation, which stipulates in article 142 that “the outgoing president will present to the elected president, in front of the table placed on the podium, the presidential badges. , they will be on it. “

This happened until the coming to power of Néstor Kirchner, who decided to avoid this step and received the tape and the stick in the Chamber of Deputies, then assume.

The same did Cristina Kirchner in 2007 and 2011.

Cristina Kirchner suggested that the official handover ceremony take place in Congress after Macri’s swearing-in.

But in addition to these differences, the most notable fact was the absence of the outgoing head of state.

Fernández explained that he was not at the ceremony because I hadplanned to attend Alicia Kirchner’s inauguration as governor of Santa Cruz. What if he followed Macri’s plan, I would miss the flight.

Mauricio Macri did not ultimately receive the baton or presidential belt from Cristina Kirchner.

Clarín editorial staff



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