Trump announced tariffs in Mexico for illegal immigration and AMLO responded with a letter


Source: Reuters

The president of the United States,

Donald Trump

, announced yesterday that it would impose progressive tariffs on


until the flow of undocumented immigrants from that country to the US border stops.

After the announcement, his Mexican counterpart,

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

, he asked in a letter posted on his official Twitter account "to deepen the dialogue" in order to avoid any confrontation soon after a top Mexican official called the US decision "disastrous" .

"On June 10, the United States will impose a 5% tariff on all goods entering our country from Mexico, until illegal immigrants arriving through Mexico arrive in our country." said Trump in a statement. tweet He added: "Rates will gradually increase until the problem of illegal immigration is resolved, after which they will be eliminated."

On June 10, the United States will impose a 5% tariff on all goods coming into our country from Mexico, until irregular migrants arrive in Mexico and in our country, STOP. . The tariff will gradually increase until the problem of illegal immigration is resolved, .. & – Donald J. Trump (@ realDonaldTrump)
May 30, 2019

At the same time, the White House explained that tariffs would increase to 10% on July 1st, then increase by 5% each month to reach 25% on October 1st.

"Customs duties will be maintained at 25% permanently, unless Mexico substantially terminates the illegal entry of foreigners entering its territory," the statement said.

The answer of López Obrador

Lopez Obrador, who also announced Thursday the delivery of the T-MEC to the Senate, asked Trump in his letter posted on his official Twitter account with the comment "to President Donald Trump in peace", to look for alternatives to finance problem migration. To this end, he announced that a Mexican delegation led by Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard would visit Washington today to discuss.

"I do not want a confrontation," said López Obrador, adding: "social problems are not solved by taxes or coercive measures", and in an unprecedented tone since the beginning of his term, he badured him that it was not a coward and the motto of "United States First" is a mistake. "

"I propose to deepen the dialogue, look for alternatives to the problem of immigration and, remember that I do not lack courage, that I am not a coward but that I am act on principles: I believe in politics that, among others, was invented to avoid confrontation and war, "he said.

López Obrador's comments, who have always opted for non-confrontation and avoided commenting on Trump's repeated threats, represent the toughest message to the United States since the politician came to power. from the left.

Shortly before the words of Lopez Obrador, Mexican Deputy Foreign Minister and Mexican Trade Negotiator, Jesus Seade, had emphasized Trump's announcement: "It is disastrous, the threat of" the world's worst. " acting would be very serious, "said Seade. "If that were to happen, we must react energetically," he added.

The commercial relationship and the migration crisis

Mexico, which shares 3,200 km of border with the United States, has in its northern neighbor its main trading partner, to which it sends more than 80% of its exports.

Since October, waves of migrants have crossed Mexico, mainly Central Americans fleeing violence in their country, seeking to reach the United States to seek asylum, which has unleashed the fury of Trump. To the point that the president announced yesterday the arrest of 1,036 illegal immigrants entered US territory.

The Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported that the 934 family members, 63 unaccompanied minors and 39 single adults arrested were from Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador.

AP and AFP agencies


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