Trump announced that the United States will deport millions of illegal immigrants


True to his style, Trump announced this announcement early in the morning on Twitter and predicted that smugglers "They will be expelled as soon as they enter" in the United States.

To integrate

…. well before they reach our southern border. Guatemala is preparing to sign a safe third-party agreement. The only ones that will do nothing are the Democrats in Congress. They must vote to eliminate the loopholes and repair the asylum! If this is the case, the border crisis will end quickly!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2019

Trump did not explain in detail how the Immigration and Customs Service (ICE) would proceed with the mbad expulsion, but it is estimated that about 12 million undocumented immigrants live in the countrymainly from Mexico and Central America.

"Mexico, which has strong laws on immigration, does a very good job in arresting people from our southern border"said Trump, who also referred to an agreement with Guatemala in this regard.

caravan of exodus honduras.jpg

The CNN website has read Trump's message as an attempt to "revive the fervor of the 2016 campaign" since the president announced his candidacy for reelection in 2020.

Trump will officially launch his re-election campaign on Tuesday night with an act in Orlando, Florida, a state that was crucial to reaching the White House and will preserve it.

That's why the final chicane to democratic lawmakers in your messages this morning on Twitter.

"The only ones who do nothing are the Democrats in Congress, they must vote to close the loopholes, and if they do, the border crisis will end quickly!" Assured the president.

But several officials quoted by the US media claimed that the operation is not imminent, and that ICE agents did not know that the president was going to be public on Twitter sensitive projects on punitive measures against undocumented migrants.


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