Trump announced the death of Osama bin Laden's son during a military operation


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that Hamza Bin Laden, the son of Osama, the last leader of al-Qaeda, was killed today at a police station. US military operation in a region located between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The news was known thanks to a statement signed by Trump in which little detail was given about when Hamza bin Laden was killed, and became one of the most prominent figures in the network.

The three-paragraph statement states that Bin Laden's death "would deprive Al Qaeda not only of its leadership skills and its symbolic bond with his father," but also undermine the group's important operational activities. "

He adds that Osama's son "was responsible for the planning and treatment of several terrorist groups".

Several US officials quoted by CNN television have suspected Hamza's death, according to security services reports that there is no news.

Hamza, who was considered the heir to al-Qaeda leadership, was commended in 2015 by the group's leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, in a video broadcast on jihadist networks: "He is the lion of the lair of al-Qaeda. "

In February, the State Department offered a reward of one million dollars for the capture of the 30-year-old man who, in January 2017, had been named "Specially Designated World Terrorist" .


Hamza posted audio and video messages in which he called for attacks on the United States and to commemorate a September 11th anniversary. Al-Qaeda used a photo of him as a child superimposed on a photo of the twin towers.

A video published in 2017 by the CIA, seized during the raid in which Osama Bin Laden was killed, shows Hamza at his wedding, the first images of the adult heir.

It is thought that he was born in 1989, the year of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, where his father became popular among the mujahideen fighters.

Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia but fled to Sudan after criticizing the kingdom for allowing the deployment of US troops during the Gulf War.

Last March, the Saudi government announced that it had revoked Hamza's citizenship – which he had already done with Osama in 1994 – although it is unclear exactly where the young man was when they have taken this step.

Hamza began appearing in videos and messages as a spokesman for al Qaeda in 2015.

Hamza was 12 when he saw his father for the last time, while the former al-Qaeda leader had escaped from Afghanistan to Pakistan after the attacks. of September 11, when the United States invaded Iraq to overthrow the Taliban, network allies. extremist

and commenting on Trump's visits to Saudi Arabia or the war in Syria.


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