Trump called Guaidó to express his full support


"I appreciate the call of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who reiterated his full support for our democratic work, our commitment to humanitarian aid and the recognition of his administration to our presidency (E) "said Guaidó on the social network Twitter.

The White House, for its part, confirmed Trump's call to Guadió for "to congratulate him on his historic accession to the presidency and to strengthen the strong support for Venezuela's struggle to regain its democracy".

Both "They agreed to maintain regular communication in favor of Venezuela's return to stability and restore bilateral relations".

Guaidó, added the White House, "He thanked President Trump for the United States' commitment to freedom and prosperity in Venezuela and the region, and emphasized the importance of the broad demonstrations in Venezuela." against the president Nicolás Maduro.

Previously, Trump had claimed that Maduro "He is willing to negotiate with the opposition in Venezuela after the sanctions of the United States and the reduction of oil revenues."

Maduro rejected appeals for early electionsHe said that an order to arrest Guaidó had not yet been issued and promised that Caracas would repay his debts to Russia and China.

Faced with the biggest challenge he has faced for six years, Maduro also said that Venezuelan armed forces remain loyal and Russian President Vladimir Putin supports him.


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