Trump called the demonstrations of "false news" | He said …


From London

The press conference between a president who aspires to remain in power until 2025 and a prime minister who leaves the leadership of his party on Friday to be replaced in July at the head of the executive could not do anything. big announcements. The Trump showman managed not to be a boring event, calling the hundreds of thousands of people protesting "false information", suggesting Theresa May to remain in office until the signing of an agreement free trade with the United States. , anticipating that Boris Johnson will be the successor to the Prime Minister and insulting opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and London Mayor Sadiq Khan. "I have not seen any demonstration, what I saw yesterday (Monday) are thousands of people who are encouraging us, and today (Tuesday) I have We also see people cheering us on, so the protests are "false news," Trump said.

In the world of Trump, the reality seems to be what he says, mimicking the so-called answer that an badistant of the Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner gave him when he asked for the time: " the one you want, general ". With his rough and almost picturesque arrogance, the President has made it clear that the free trade agreement that the United States wants with this weakened Brexit UK includes the National Health Service (NHS). "Everything has to be on the table in a negotiation – the NHS and the rest – much more, too," Trump said.

It was one of the main themes of this multitude of "false news" that saturated central London. Amidst the uncertainties badociated with the United Kingdom's exit from the UK, the possibility of a free trade agreement with the United States is at the heart of the agenda that leads candidates to succeed of May and his related means. With his imperial nationalism rampant, Trump has managed to convince environmentalists, feminists, pacifists, Muslims, pro-immigrants, pro-Assange, workers, Greens, leftists, unions, NGOs, grbadroots groups and student groups, to challenge twilight and day without soul. from Trafalgar Square in central London to Parliament Square.

Among the "false news", there were two remarkable inflatable balloons. Last year, during Trump's (unofficial) official visit, during Trump's official visit, a gigantic yellow baby balloon, Trump, in childbirth. The other, eschatological, was the American president sitting in the toilet. A carnival had promised the protesters and among the drums, the drums and trumpets drew attention to the costumes, the allusive masks and won the prize, a dozen women dressed in the style of the series "The maid ". "Trump represents everything that is wrong in this world – Misogyny, racism, arrogance, hatred," a protester in her mid-40s who waved a sign saying "no to the bigots" in PáginaI12Jane "(No to the intolerant and the fanatics)

Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn addressed the protesters saying he was open to dialogue with everyone. "We want to engage in a dialogue to achieve a better and more peaceful world, but I am particularly disappointed by the attack on London Mayor Sadiq Khan, and I am proud that our city has a Muslim mayor. we can fight against Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.Cathism divides, the exploitation of minorities generates hatred.We are in the middle of debate about our relations with l & # 39; Europe and the world The basis of this negotiation should be the protection of jobs, public services and living conditions and this should not be based on the idea that we must offer our beloved national health service US companies, "said Corbyn.

The Labor leader did not attend the banquet offered Monday night by Queen Elizabeth II in honor of the President of the United States. At his press conference on Tuesday, Donald Trump said Corbyn had requested a meeting and had not accepted it. "It's a negative force, I do not like people who criticize, I love people who do things, so I decided not to meet him," he said. Trump.

A Labor spokesman confirmed that Corbyn had requested a meeting with the US president. "Jeremy is willing to discuss with the president a series of issues, including the climate emergency, the threat to peace and the refugee crisis," he said.

It is to be imagined that with this agenda, the meeting would not have lasted long.


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