Trump decided to postpone a meeting with Putin for 2019 – The World


Washington – The next meeting between US President Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, will take place only at the beginning of next year. when the investigation into the so-called Russian conspiracy will be completed. Today the sources of the White House.

"The president (Trump) believes that the next bilateral meeting with President Putin should take place after the end of the witch hunt in Russia, so we agreed that it will be after the first of the year, John Bolton, National Security Advisor, said in a statement

that the phrase "witch hunt" is usually used by the US President to refer to the investigation by the Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and what is meant to elucidate whether there was some kind of connivance between the Trump campaign team and the Kremlin in the 2016 presidential elections.

On July 16, T Rump and Putin held a bilateral summit in Helsinki, after which the White House reported that the US president. I wanted to hold a second meeting before the end of the year. As detailed by the US government, this meeting would take place in Washington between the months of September and December.

The decision caused some turmoil due, mainly, to major US intelligence agencies are certain that the Kremlin has tried to interfere. in past elections. In Helsinki, Trump not only asked Putin for explanations about it, but he also took for granted the explanations of the Russian president, who refused to be interested in interfering with US policy.

However, after the criticism received in his country, Trump resigned later. The words of the US president in Helsinki, coupled with the fact that the two presidents held a nearly two-hour in camera meeting, sparked suspicions among Democrats that Trump and Putin might have reached some kind of secret agreement which would reveal alleged collusion. 19659007] (function (d, s, id) {
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