Trump denied, but not so much, the plan to invade Venezuela – The world


Washington (EFE, ANSA, and AP) – The United States denied the "half" that the Donald Trump government raised an invasion of Venezuela last August as the first time in the world. revealed the American press, because he acknowledged yesterday that the military option is still on the table as one of the "many possible tools to help the people" of the Bolivarian Republic to " recover democracy ".

invasion, "said an official of the National Security Council, the body responsible for the centralization of foreign policy, military and intelligence of the White House, but he immediately stressed that continued to examine "all available alternatives", including the war.

Regarding what was published by the US media, this "spokesperson" who preferred anonymity explained that the Republican president had asked him to some of his advisers by armed means "only for the purpose of asking for a range of options" to choose in the face of the "humanitarian catastrophe that was going on".

"He also asked questions on humanitarian aid, sanctions International cooperation against tyranny was a series of different issues, "he said.

In line with the government's strategy of criticizing journalists, he accused them "of reporting on this issue in a sensational manner, as they did so several months after the episode and focused exclusively on the military, without noticing how they went in practice ".



"In the face of foreign threats, economic warfare and the multi-dimensional aggression we face, people do not give up. We will be another Vietnam, "challenged the Venezuelan head of state Nicolás Maduro to to lead the civic-military parade of the 207th anniversary of independence .



The president of the National Constituent Assembly Diosdado Cabello, launched a hunt for "traitors" to promote interventions from foreign countries, to which impose "p exemplary copies "such as the removal of their nationality.

"We will appear before the judiciary to denounce them and, if necessary, make new laws to condemn them," said Chavismo, number two "to all those who have data that help to bring them to justice, to provide them with justice to take care of them. "

"We can not be foolish about this, because they're going around the world saying that here they want to kill them," he said. added.

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