Trump denied that Russia is trying to manipulate legislative criticism and rain again


Donald Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies on Wednesday saying that Russia is not trying to interfere in the politics of his country, while accusing its detractors of being angry, which has put the White House in a

A day after trying to put an end to a political outcry because of criticism aroused by its inability to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Helsinki summit on the issue. Moscow's interference in the 2016 elections, Trump adopted his usual defiant tone and rejected the badessments of his intelligence agencies on Russia . "We are doing very well, probably as well as anyone who has done with Russia, and there has never been a president as hard as I have been with Russia," he said. Trump told a cabinet meeting at the White House . If Russia still seeks to interfere in US politics Trump shakes his head and says "No".

At a subsequent meeting with the press, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said that the president said "no" to answer questions, and not to this special consultation.

"The president made it clear to Vladimir Putin that he should not get involved in the US Elections," Sanders said. "The president and his government are working hard to make sure that Russia can not intervene in our elections as in the past."

US intelligence has pointed out that Russian efforts to manipulate elections in the country continue and that they are now pointing to the next parliamentary elections in November.

Then, when asked in an interview with CBS News that he considered Putin personally responsible for interfering in the 2016 elections, Trump said yes. "He is in charge of the country, and I consider myself responsible for the things happening in this country."

Earlier Wednesday, the Republican politician said on Twitter that his summit criticized with Putin will produce "" and accused critics of being "upset".

"Some people hate the fact that I managed to get along with Russian President Putin." They prefer to go to war only to see that. That's the Trump Disorder Syndrome! " said the president, who faced the widespread embarrbadment between Republicans and Democrats after the summit held in Finland.

His critics accuse him of not criticizing Moscow after the US intelligence agencies denounced Moscow's interference in the 2016 presidential elections with the aim of trying to help Trump's bid and undermine the attempts of the Democratic Hillary Cl

Putin has denied accusations of electoral interference by Russia .

Despite criticism from across the political spectrum of the United States, Trump told Twitter that had received praise for the conference Press release with Putin. "We got along, which bothered many enemies who wanted to see a boxing match … The results will be good!" said the Republican.

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