Trump does not want "bad guys" from the Bahamas in the United States | Chronic


President Donald Trump warned that the "bad people" Bahamas is not welcome on North American territory and stressed the need for those fleeing the country, after the pbadage of Hurricane Dorian "appropriate documents" to enter the United States.

"Everybody needs to have the proper documentation.The Bahamas have huge problems with some people who go there and who should not be there.I do not want those who wouldn? T need to be there. to be in the Bahamas are found in the United States, which includes very bad people, gang members and some very bad drug traffickers, " Trump said on Twitter.

His words contradict those of the director of the US Immigration and Customs Service, Mark Morgan, a few hours before.

"It's a humanitarian mission, no, if your life is at stake, you're in the Bahamas and you want to reach the United States, you can come, okay, whether you have travel documents or not. We have already processed your application – people who had documents and people who did not have them, expressed.

The confusion about this began when more than a hundred people were evicted from a ferry leaving the port of Freeport to Fort Lauderdale on Sunday night, the television channel reported. NBC, quoted by the news agency Europa Press

"We have already received two ships, thousands of people have arrived and have been registered ", Morgan said, estimates at least 1,400 people arrived on one of the ships and were recorded in a few hours.

"Flights are coming in. We have deployed people to the airport, we have asked companies and airlines to coordinate," he said. concluded.


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