Trump exposed his administration's trainees by firing his Bolton advisor


It is too early to say whether the departure of Bolton will mark a turning point in the foreign policy of the 45th President of the United States, the departure of this former ambbadador to the UN to the warrior reputation, the same who brought Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua into "The troika of tyranny", undoubtedly, the dynamics within "West Wing" will change.

"Last night (Monday), I informed John Bolton that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I strongly disagree with many of his suggestions, as well as those of other members of the government. So I asked John to resign, which was given to me this morning, "Trump writes on Twitter. announcing the departure of his third national security advisor after Michael Flynn and H.R. McMaster

The president announced that he will appoint Bolton's replacement next week to head the National Security Council (NSC) of the White House.

To integrate

I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I strongly disagree with many of his suggestions, along with other members of the administration, and therefore …

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2019

In a laconic tweet, Bolton, 70, presented a different version of the past 24 hours, saying that he had offered his resignation to the president Monday night and that he had said: "Let's talk about that tomorrow."

Bolton, a former United States ambbadador to the United Nations, was notoriously hostile to Trump's outstretched hand to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

In the early 2000s, the extreme firmness of the outgoing councilor on this issue had earned him to be treated as a "human waste" by the North Korean press.

Shortly before his arrival at the White House, Bolton felt that it was "perfectly legitimate" for the United States to react to the threat posed by a nuclear-based North Korea, "attacking first".

To integrate

I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow."

– John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) September 10, 2019

Leader of the Democratic Opposition in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said Trump's decision to kick Bolton "It's only the last example of his government facing chaos."

Republican Senator Rand Paul greeted the news out loud. "The president has an excellent knowledge of foreign policy and the need to end our endless wars," he tweeted. "I should be advised by those who share their vision."

In summary, Robert Malley, president of the International Crisis Group organization, recalled that since Trump 's arrival at the White House in 2017, two voices whispered to him in the ear: the l'. one who recommended diplomacy and did not want conflict and the other who advocated belligerence and warned of the risk of appearing weak.

"With the departure of Bolton, the second voice has undoubtedly lost its main defender. This could create new diplomatic opportunities in Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea and Venezuela. I hope the president benefits from it " stress.

Trump tweeted about the layoff less than two hours before a press conference announced by the White House and which Bolton was scheduled to attend with state secretaries Mike Pompeo and Treasury, Steven Mnuchin.

The US Diplomacy Officer took the opportunity to point out that he had not agreed with Bolton and that he was insisting on his close relationship with Trump. "We are working closely with the President of the United States," said Pompeo.

Bolton's departure is known after Trump canceled a planned secret weekend meeting at Camp David with the Taliban, with whom Washington negotiated a peace agreement for Afghanistan for several months.


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