Trump fires the fire: will increase tariffs in China if Xi Jinping does not go to the G20


The President of the United States, Donald TrumpHe threatened to raise tariffs again in China if his president, Xi Jinping, did not meet him at the next summit of the Group of 20 in Japan. In an interview with CNBC, Trump said Monday that tariffs on Chinese products of about $ 300,000 million would be immediately promulgated if the leader of the Asian giant did not attend the summit.

"Yes, I would," he says. But "I think it's going to be ok and we have a meeting planned, I think it'll be okay. I have very good relations with him. It's really an amazing guy. He is a great man, he is very strong, he is very intelligent, but he works for China and I work for the United States. "

Trump proclaimed the migration deal that he signed with Mexico last week, a sign of his insight into signing deals. But trade talks with China got bogged down last month after the US president accused Beijing of violating the terms of an interim agreement. Both countries intensified their trade war.

"China will reach an agreement because it will have to reach an agreement," Trump said on Monday. His retirement from the threat of imposing new tariffs on Mexico because of migration has raised the spirits at the meeting of G20 Finance Ministers in Fukuoka, Japan, this weekend. However, the US delegation has withdrawn without any significant progress with China.

Trump again hinted that the part of the deal that has been reached with Mexico is not yet public. He added that the country had agreed to buy large amounts of US farm products as part of the deal, but that Mexican officials said that there was no provision for this type. Trump said on CNBC that the United States He does not yet discuss specifically one aspect of the agreement and says that it is another "very tool" powerful "for the United States.


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