Trump has returned to the White House and claims he won the …


After confirming the electoral victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden, the President of the United States, Donald Trump returned to the White House and claimed he won the election with 71 million legal votes. Meanwhile, thousands of supporters of the Republican leader are demonstrating in different parts of the country to denounce the fraud.

“Observers were not allowed in the counting rooms. I won the election, got 71 million legal votes. Bad things happened that our observers could not see. This has never happened before. Millions of ballots have been sent to people who never asked for them, ”Trump posted on his Twitter account.

Previously, the tycoon warned in a statement that “The election is far from over” and that from Monday they “will defend the case in court to ensure that electoral laws are fully respected.”

The president received the news at the golf club that bears his name in Virginia, outside Washington. From there he went to the official residence and walked around the square Black lives matter, where a crowd celebrates its defeat.

At the same time, protesters supporting the president rallied this afternoon outside the seat of government in Texas to the surprise of Democratic voters who celebrated Biden’s victory in the same location.

Pro-Trump armed protesters

I didn’t expect so many Trump supporters“, he confessed New York Times Liam Andrus, 29, a physics student at the University of Texas at Austin. “I thought it would be a happy time,” he added.

Across the street, Republican activists denounced the fraud, shouting “Stop the theft!” and “America First!”. “I think the president is brave to fight corruption,” said Diana Arldt-Roberts, 56, while waving a Trump flag.

By his side, John Connors, who wore a Biden mask and a trash bag where he accumulated “stolen votes”, stressed that they only want the result “to be legitimate”.

In Arizona, hundreds of Donald Trump supporters also gathered outside the local government house to voice their rejection of the election result. At least a dozen protesters proudly displayed their long guns. “If you think there has been fraud, Trump shouldn’t give in,” said a gunman who identified himself as Dave, a 28-year-old teacher.

In New York, thousands of Biden supporters celebrate the defeat of the US president in this Democratic stronghold. Minutes after the announcement, they spontaneously crowded in front of the Trump Tower in the heart of Manhattan, Times Square and other iconic spaces of the Big Apple to celebrate the victory.

“¡You are fired! They shouted at Trump, alluding to the time the billionaire hosted the reality show “The Apprentice.”


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