Trump, intractable: after attacking the Fed, he continued against China and oil and bags fell


A few moments ago, US President Donald Trump has launched a chain of posts on Twitter with references to "the failure of negotiations" with China in the context of the so-called "trade war" that both countries lead.

Wall Street shares reacted with a sharp decline in returns, while oil drops 7%, its biggest fall of the year.

Trump's message was not that rhetoric: in his communication, the head of the American state announces new tariffs to block the entry of Asian giant products.

In one of his tweets, the US president pointed out that the US would impose, as of September 1, an additional tariff of 10% on the US $ 300 million of goods and products exported from China. to his country, which adds to the $ 250,000 million already priced at 25%.

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Two local entities have already joined IFC's global program, the financial pillar of the World Bank, to finance women-led foreign trade projects.

Trump's new tweets add to those who launched yesterday, and those who have returned to the charge of adding a new chapter in their fight with the president of the Central Bank, Jerome Powell. He criticized it severely for lowering the rate, an increase the market had already discounted and which would not have the reactivating effect expected by the US boss.

The string of tweets

In his tweet channel, Trump said, "Our representatives have just returned from China, where they had constructive talks related to a future trade agreement. We thought we had an agreement with China three months ago, but unfortunately, China decided to renegotiate the agreement before signing it.. More recently, China has agreed to buy large quantities of agricultural products in the United States, but it has not done so. "

In the message chain, Trump pointed out that "My friend President Xi said that he would stop selling fentanyl in the United States. This has never happened and many Americans continue to die! Business conversations continue and The United States will start on September 1st with a small additional duty of 10% on the remaining $ 300,000 million of goods and products from China. To our country. That does not include the $ 250,000 already taxed at 25%. "

As the chain closed, the US president said: "We hope to continue our positive dialogue with China on a global trade agreement and we believe that the future between our two countries will be very promising!"

The market reaction

In the minutes following Trump's message, the market reaction was negative. The stock indexes reversed the initial progression of the wheel and fell more than 1% from the peaks of the wheel. S & P Merval accompanied the decline in global markets over the day. he oil Texas WTI sold $ 4.63, up 7.9% to $ 53.95 a barrel.

One of the most affected badets after Trump's words is oil, which recorded a decline of 6.1%. In this way, he recorded the highest daily loss of the year.

Stock indices also felt the impact. he Dow Jones Industrials, principal indicator of the New York square, drop of 1.05% and close at 26583.42 points.

Selective index S & P 500, which brings together the 500 largest companies in New York, 0.9% was contracted against its highs and reached 2953.56 units.

For its part, the Nasdaq Composite, which measures the evolution of the major digital and Internet service companies, fell 0.79% and ended in 8111.12 whole.

The local level, the Merval It also experienced a sharp contraction of 1.5% after reversing the initial rise and closing at 41,410.98 points.

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