Trump is confident of his victory in the trade dispute with the EU


President Donald Trump declared on Monday, July 24, convinced that United States would impose its will on the trade conflict with the ] European Union (EU), on the eve of his meeting with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker at the White House.

"We must persevere," said Trump in a speech before veterans of the war in Kansas City referring to trade disputes with the EU, the China and other important partners. "These countries have deceived us for many years," he repeated once more

the US president saying that a solution to the conflict can not be found in less than half a year. one week. "It will take more time, but we will get there," he said. The goal, he added, is to "make reasonably reasonable, minimally just, and not stupid trade deals like the ones we have tolerated for 25 years."

Trump interpreted Juncker's visit to the House [19659002]] Wednesday as a confession of weakness in the EU: "They all come in. They do not want these tariffs to be imposed on them". The President added: "What the EU is doing to us is amazing, how good!" He told the Europeans that they must change. "They did not want to change, I said, okay, so we're going to charge tariffs on their cars." Subsequently, the EU asked to hold talks. "They said, when can we move on? Tomorrow would be nice?" Trump opined on the Europeans: "They look good, but they are tough." Trump badured that in the end the American farmers would be "the big winners".

After the Washington Post advanced, the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed Tuesday that American farmers were suffering under the measures in response to tariffs. from Trump will receive up to $ 12 billion in aid

China and EU target US agricultural exports in response to new tariffs on steel, aluminum and Chinese products. The measure is a response to "commercial damages for wrongful reprisals" worth $ 11 billion, according to the ministry.

Farmers in United States are an important support area for Trump and his Republican Party Before going to Kansas City Trump had specified that for him the imposition punitive tariffs was a successful business strategy. "Rates are the biggest thing!" He wrote on Twitter. "Or a country that has unfairly treated the United States in trade negotiations is negotiating a fair trade agreement or will face tariffs, as simple as that."

In another tweet, Trump was convinced that his trade policy is already storing effect . "All countries that have treated us unfairly for many years come to Washington to negotiate," he said. "It should have happened several years ago, but as the saying goes: Better late than never!"

Later, Trump returned to the use of the social network to make a proposal in which the seems not to believe himself. "The European Union arrives in Washington tomorrow to negotiate a trade deal, I have an idea for them that the United States and the EU should set aside all tariffs, barriers and Grants! I hope they will, we are ready, but they will not do it! ", he writes on Twitter

The escalation of the trade dispute between United States United and European Union ] (EU) will be the main topic of discussion at the meeting between Trump and Juncker . The US president has imposed tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum. The EU has responded by taxing imports of US products such as whiskey, cowboys and motorcycles with special tariffs.

Now, Trump also plans to impose punitive tariffs on European cars, which would affect Germany . For this reason, the EU has already begun to prepare new retaliation

The European Commission reported that before going to Washington, Juncker held consultations Tuesday with several European leaders including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and President of France Emmanuel Macron

The European executive had informed on Monday that Juncker would travel to the United States without concrete proposal to defuse the commercial conflict, but with the main objective of "dramatize" the tensions.

The European Commission made it clear that it was not expecting a quick solution to the dispute. Trump justifies the imposition of additional tariffs in defense of "national security interests". The EU considers that this argument is not plausible and considers that in fact, the President seeks to protect the US business sector against undesirable international competition.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington on Tuesday badured It is unlikely that the imposition of protectionist tariffs on imports would reduce trade deficits in the United States.

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