Trump lost a little money to Argentina when he talked about the cause of the nationalization of YPF


The executive power commanded by Donald Trump has recommended to the Supreme Court of that country not to refer the case to national courts. The event is non-binding.

The US government on Tuesday expressed its non-binding view against Argentina's request to seize national jurisdictions of YPF's nationalization claim, in the Petersen case, official sources said.

The written submission runs counter to the interest of Cambiemos management to avoid the Burford investment fund lawsuit continuing in New York, the continuity of which is pending resolution of the maximum legal entity of the company. North American country.

After the statement by Donald Trump's government, official sources told the Telam news agency that he "only has to wait for the court's statement", although They admitted that the brief presented "is negative" for the country's strategy.

Earlier this month, Loretta Preska, trial judge of the Southern District of New York, ruled in favor of Argentina's request to suspend the Petersen and Eaton Park Capital case lawsuits, for the nationalization of YPF.

The position of the magistrate was to wait for the Supreme Court of Justice to render the jurisdiction in which the dispute should be settled.

Preska's resolution at that time supported Argentina's position despite the fact that the Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit in New York, for the second time in a row, had given the judge the freedom to start the trial.


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