Trump ordered the Pentagon to report everything it …


The Pentagon will report to the United States Congress regarding all the information collected on UFOs. It was therefore arranged in writing through a orden del presidente Donald Trump in one of his last bars, before stepping down on January 20.

This is a document of more than 5 thousand pages, which instructs defense officials to provide the information in a within 60 days to Congress Committees. The report to be submitted must contain the details of the observations of unidentified flying objects as well as the analysis of the information. In addition, FBI data, which in turn derives from investigations of unidentified phenomena in North American airspace, needs to be analyzed. Added to this is an assessment of whether UFOs and their activity can be attributed to foreign adversaries.

According to Christopher Mellon, former Assistant Deputy Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and former Chief of Staff of the United States Senate Intelligence Committee, “The newly enacted Intelligence Authorization Act incorporates the request of the Senate Intelligence Committee which demands an unclassified report and all sources on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (ANP). This was achieved in the joint explanatory memorandum accompanying the bill. “

The former official assisted in the development of the approved legislation, and stressed that “therefore, it is now fair to say that the request for an unclassified report on the UAP phenomenon has the support of both parties in the two chambers of Congress. ”

Regarding the importance of the data provided to Congress, Mellon estimated that “the nation will finally have an objective basis to assess the validity of the question and its implications for national security. This is an extraordinary and long overdue opportunity. “


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