Trump plans to send undocumented migrants arrested in democrat-ruled cities | United States


President Trump has gone a step further in his use of the migration crisis that is crossing the south of the country as a political weapon. This Friday, he badured that he planned to send "seriously" the "illegal immigrants" arrested at the border in these localities, mainly ruled by Democrats, known as "sanctuary cities" because They do not apply a strong persecution of people. This was confirmed by the President, a few hours after the White House badured that the project, advanced yesterday by The Washington Post, It was mixed but quickly discarded.

"Due to the fact that Democrats do not want to change our immigration laws so dangerous, we seriously consider that we consider undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities alone," Trump said. "The radical left still seems to have a policy of open borders and open arms, so I'm sure it makes them very happy!", He added.

The aggressive migration policies of the Trump administration did not deter those desperately seeking to enter the United States. The profile of immigrants has changed: it is no longer Mexican adults who cross, avoid checks, go unnoticed and work in the country; since 2014, they tend to be entire families fleeing situations of violence and extreme poverty in Central America and are going in search of a border patrol to voluntarily go and ask for asylum. Those who have managed their trip badure them that, if they are accompanied by minors, they will be allowed to stay on American soil during the processing of their asylum application. The change has saturated detention centers, unable to handle the new reality.

The current policy is that the immigration police should release them if they can not deport them. Once the detainees are released, they can settle where they want, provided they inform the authorities of where they are located.

There are cities where these immigrants are persecuted and others, two hundred "sanctuary cities", who choose to protect the undocumented and do not inform the federal authorities of the legal situation of the population. Among them is the District of San Francisco, which represents in Congress the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

The Washington Post He reported Thursday that the plan to take them to these cities had been announced by the White House to immigration services in November, before the arrival of a caravan of Central Americans at the border and then to February. But the immigration department rejected him with budget and image arguments.

"This is only one proposal that was made and rejected, which solved any further debate," said the White House in a statement released Thursday at the end of the day. The next morning, the proposal was retrieved on Twitter by Trump.


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