Trump prepares coarse ammunition in trade war: 100% tariff on Chinese imports


  Trump, ready for another blow in the trade war with China.

Trump, ready for another blow in the trade war with China.

The US President, Donald Trump was willing to apply new tariffs to all imports from China .

"I'm ready to go to the 500" said Trump in an interview with CNBC. The figure refers to the value of $ 505,500 million Chinese imports to the United States in 2017. According to Washington, that year, the United States only exported 129,900 million ] in China .

"We have been scammed by China for a long time ," said Trump, who justifies his additional tariffs for his country's trade deficit with the Asian giant.

"I do not want you to be scared, I want you to do well" he said about the Chinese . "I like President Xi (Jinping) but it was very unfair" he added.

Trump has already introduced new tariffs of 25% for Chinese products for a value of 34,000 million and this month will come into effect taxes on imports by another one 16 billion dollars .

In addition, the US president has threatened to introduce new tariffs of 10% on Chinese products by the end of August for 200 000 million dollars .

After the broadcast of the interview on Friday morning, the futures of the American Stock Exchange fell to minimum levels .

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