Trump proclaimed winner and denounced fraud – US election 2020


“We do not want the vote to continue”, The president assured with reference to the votes by mail that, due to the pandemic, would still receive a few key statements to define the end result.

“It is a very sad moment, a shame for the country,” he concluded. in a message released by the White House, surrounded by his family and his vice president and running mate, Mike Pence.

In a short but loaded speech, Trump said his campaign was preparing to celebrate the victory, but it all suddenly came to a halt.

Although checks in seven key states are yet to be completed, the president was confident he had won at least five.

Without explaining the relationship, he linked the delay – which in many states had already been announced by the authorities by the number of votes by mail – and accused the Democratic opposition of committing “a huge fraud”.

“They knew they couldn’t win and I warned him. It’s fraud, we won this election. We will go to the Supreme Court.”Trump said.

Shortly before, he had launched a similar complaint on Twitter: “We’ve been up for a long time, but They are trying to steal our elections. We will never let them do it. No vote can be cast once the tables are closed! “

Almost immediately, the Twitter company attached a warning to the re-election candidate’s post: “Some or all of the content shared in this tweet has been disputed and may be misleading as to how to participate in one election or another. civic process. “

Trump’s words came just minutes after his electoral rival, former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, addressed his supporters in his Delaware bunker and asked them to “be patient” to wait for the results tomorrow. ” or maybe a few more days. ” , and will be optimistic about the partial results known to date.

Trump has followed the White House’s scrutiny in Washington, the capital, despite his campaign’s main bunker being in neighboring Virginia.

With an electoral map still incomplete, Biden is leading the voter count. However, not only is he still a long way from the 270 he needs to win the Electoral College, but a partial review in key states describes a slightly more favorable scenario for Trump.


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