Trump questions the loyalty of American Jews and criticizes


The words of President Donald Trump undermining the loyalty of American Jews who support the Democratic Party have led today to convictions and rejections of the invocation of anti-Semitic stereotypes.

The statements were made public after Israel, at the request of Trump, banned the entry of Democratic Democrats Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib, Muslims who supported the country's international boycott.

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These two lawmakers Trump seeks to badociate as the new face of the Democratic Party have been one of the protagonists of the attacks of the White House leader.

"Where did the Democratic Party go, where did they go, where do these two people stand up against the state of Israel?" Trump said yesterday.

"I think that any Jewish people who will vote for a democrat, I think that this testifies to a total lack of knowledge or a great disloyalty," he added in a sentence that triggered a cataract of critics.

Trump's statements generated a wave of condemnations from American Jewish groups and Democratic lawmakers, who accused him of invoking anti-Semitic stereotypes by suggesting that American Jews had dual loyalties.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has kept Trump's controversial comments tonight.

According to badysts, Netanyahu's silence testifies to the importance of his close alliance with Trump, a relationship that removed the bipartisan support that Israel had traditionally had in the United States, as well as its important ties to the community American Jew.

While the Israeli prime minister did not speak, Yuval Steinitz, a member of the Likud cabinet in Netanyahu, rejected Trump's remarks.

"We must not intervene in elections and political disagreements in the United States," Steinitz told Israeli radio.

"We have supporters and close friends in both parties, Democrats and Republicans, Jews and non-Jews, and we accept everyone and we want the support and friendship of all," he said. added.

For its part, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin met today with Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, without directly criticizing Trump's comments, but emphasizing the importance links between the United States and Israel.

"We must keep the state of Israel above political conflict and do everything in our power so that support for Israel does not become a political problem," he said. Pelosi Rivlin, whose role is essentially ceremonial.

The Jewish People's Political Institute, the US Jewish Democratic Council, and the pro-Israel Democratic Majority Group also made criticisms.

This is not the first time Trump has been accused of making comments considered anti-Semitic.

During the election campaign, Trump told Jewish Republicans in 2015: "You will not support me because I do not want your money."


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