Trump received Guaidó's wife and called on Russia to leave Venezuela


The President of the United States with Fabiana Rosales Source: AP – Credit: Susan Walsh

The president of the United States,

Donald Trump

, received the wife of

Juan Guaidó

Fabiana Rosales He also called on Russia to stop supporting

Nicolás Maduro

and retire

from Venezuela


"Russia must leave," said Trump after the country led by

Vladimir Poutine

it will send the planes last weekend with personnel and military equipment in "cooperation" with the Maduro government, which Washington does not know the authority.

During his meeting at the White House with Rosales, Trump insisted that "all options are on the table" to request the release of Maduro, a phrase that has been repeated for months when he is consulted on a possible American intervention in Venezuela.

"Currently, they are under a lot of pressure, they do not have money, they do not have oil, they do not have anything, they do not have any. electricity, "said Trump.


, which is affected by a mbadive blackout since Monday. She intervened shortly after the worst power outage in her story, which lasted almost a week. Then he said: "Outside of the army, you can not have more pressure than you have … All options are open."

Rosales was received in the Oval Office as "First Lady of Venezuela", further sign of Mr. Trump's support for Mr. Guaidó who, as head of parliament, invoked the Constitution on 23 January to declare itself president transition government and organize new elections.

"We are with you 100%," Trump told Rosales, 26, a graduate in social communication. And he promised, "This should never have happened in Venezuela, it is a tragedy, the previous administrations have allowed this to happen, but I will fix it." For her part, Guaidó's wife emphasized the extent of the debacle in her country, exacerbated by power cuts.

The woman will meet this Thursday in Mar-a-Lago (Florida) the first American lady,

Melania Trump

, to find ways to bring humanitarian aid to your country. "Venezuela is going through a very serious crisis," said Rosales, blaming the deaths of children for lack of light, food and medicine to Maduro's "terrible dictatorship".

"New wave of repression"

Rosales, who in the Oval Office said she feared for her husband's life, later denounced Maduro's "new wave of repression and persecution exacerbated by the regime." "We all know that they are capable of killing," he told reporters after meeting with the Venezuelan diaspora.

In addition, he highlighted the detention by intelligence agents of Guaidó cabinet chief Roberto Marrero. His wife, Romy Moreno Molina, told the Oval Office how the raid had occurred at dawn last Thursday and had stated that he had no communication with him.

Among recent acts of intimidation, Rosales also mentioned "the order to arrest" his brother-in-law, Gustavo Guaidó, and said that his stepmother's cousin "is today". imprisoned ". In addition, she denounced "repeated threats of imprisonment" against her husband and raised with concern "the attack" of Guaidó's caravan Tuesday in Caracas, which was strongly condemned by Washington.

Rosales said that he had talked about all this with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, with whom he had also met, and that he had felt his support: "It's like this hug which makes you feel calmer. " "They said that they supported us, that they would not leave us alone, that the international community saw us and that they supported us in this struggle," he said. he declared, adding, "We will not allow anyone else to continue to die in the hands of dictatorship."

For its part, Pence, a critic of Maduro, said the arrival of a military aircraft from Russia this weekend is "an untimely provocation" and called on the government of Vladimir Putin to stop supporting Maduro.

In this context, the Russian government confirmed Tuesday the dispatch of armies to expand the "cooperation" between Moscow and Caracas, said spokeswoman Chancery. Russia, one of the leading creditors with China with Venezuelan foreign debt of several million dollars, opposes Washington's campaign against Maduro. Thus, Putin also ordered his forces to engage in conflict scenarios to challenge US strategies, including Syria and Ukraine.

AFP Agency


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