Trump recognizes the Golan Heights as Israel's territory | Chronic


The American president, Donald TrumpOn Monday, he gave up more than half a century of politics in his Middle East country and signed a proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights, when he received the Israeli Prime Minister at the White House, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu thanked Trump for his decision (Courtesy of BBC)

The signing of the proclamation responds to a surprise promise that Trump made last week on Twitter and gives Netanyahu another major diplomatic victory just before the elections in Israel, in which the Prime Minister seeks a complicated reelection while dealing with several accusations of Corruption

The President said that it was time for his country to take this step after 52 years of Israeli control of the strategic plateau located on its border with Syria, captured by Israel during a 1967 war and then annexed without never get international recognition.

The United States thus becomes the first country to recognize the annexation of the Golan Heights, territory which for the rest of the international community, including Argentina, is a Syrian territory under Israeli occupation.

These are the Golan Heights, the territory under Israeli rule (Courtesy: El País)

Trump said his decision would help strengthen Israel's ability to defend itself against regional threats if a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace agreement was reached, CNN said.

"Today, it was a great honor for me to welcome @Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel to @WhiteHouse where I signed a presidential proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the plateau of Golan ", said Monday on his Twitter account.

Syria has denounced a "flagrant attack" to his sovereignty and stated that the measure represented "the highest possible degree of contempt of international law" and showed that Washington is the "biggest enemy" Arabs.

Russia, Syria's main ally, warned that the proclamation would release a "new wave" tensions in the Middle East. The UN, the UK and France have already stated that a recognition of Trump would not change his position that the Golan Heights are a territory "under Israeli occupation".

US President Donald Trump signs a declaration formally recognizing the sovereignty of #Israel on the Golan Heights, in the presence of the @IsraeliPM. A historic moment and a strategic contribution to the security of Israel. Thank you @POTUS for your unwavering support

– Israel in Spanish (@IsraelinSpanish)
March 25, 2019

Amnesty International has called for the decision to "irresponsible, dangerous, another example of how the Trump administration violates international law and consensus by tolerating Israel's illegal annexation".

Human Rights Watch said Trump appeared "drive a demolition ball" that destroys the international law that protects people who live in "the Golan Heights occupied", and warned that this could encourage others "Occupying States must redouble the appropriation of their lands, colonization and looting of resources".

Netanyahu did not praise Trump, which he compared to the former US president Harry S Trumanwho recognized Israel, and even with the king of Persia Cyrus the Greatwho freed the Jews from their captivity in Babylon. "Israel has never had a better friend than you," Netanyahu told Trump. "It's a truly historic day", he added.

"My friend, President Trump, has signed an order recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights – a historic day for Israel!"said the Israeli prime minister on his Twitter account.

ידידי הנשיא ראמפ עעלעל יר ריבובות ישראל ר מתוהג. יום היסטורי למדינת ישראל!

My friend President Trump signed an order recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. A historic day for Israel!

– Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu)
March 25, 2019

"It should have been done several decades ago"said Trump during the signing of the presidential proclamation.
"The acts of aggression by Iran and terrorist groups, including Hezbollah, in southern Syria make the Golan Heights a potential platform for launching attacks on Israel.", written in his decree.

Israel has occupied the Golan Heights for years (courtesy BBC)

This measure is in conflict with UN Security Council Resolution 242, which, after the 1967 war, urged Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories in this conflict, including the Golan, located on the border between Syria and Lebanon. , Israel and Jordan.

In addition, this could undermine the credibility of the US argument that Russia illegally annexed the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula in 2014, since Israel did the same in 1981 with the Golan the widespread rejection of the international community.


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