Trump reiterated his attacks on Democratic members of Congress: they are weak and insecure


"I do not think the four members of Congress are able to love our country," the US president tweeted. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib.

I do not think they are able to love our country "(Donald Trump)

"They should apologize to the United States (and Israel) for the horrible (and odious) things they said," he added. "They destroyed the Democratic Party, but they are weak and precarious people who can not in any way destroy our great nation!"

To integrate

I do not believe that the four women of Congress are able to love our country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) remarks they made. They destroy the Democratic Party, but are weak and precarious people who can never destroy our great nation!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2019

Trump has been criticizing for a week his attacks on members of Congress, whom he has repeatedly advised to "return" to the countries from which they "come", although three of them were born in the United States. United States.

Hand-Cortez (New York), Omar (Minnesota), Pressley (Mbadachusetts) and Tlaib (Michigan) reacted earlier in the week by denouncing the president's "blatantly racist" attacks.


Democratic members of Congress gave a press conference after Donald Trump's first attacks.

Democratic members of Congress gave a press conference after Donald Trump's first attacks.

Image: Argentine News.

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives of the Democratic majority pbaded a motion strongly condemning Trump's "racist comments," which earned him criticism from foreign leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

But these critics do not stop the US president, who seems willing to maintain such speeches to mobilize his electoral base for re-election in the presidential election of 2020.


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