Trump returned to the scene with a fiery speech with …


Donald Trump is back. For the first time since his chaotic exit from the White House, the former president he addressed his most reactionary constituencies by attacking the pillars of President Joe Biden’s tenure. He mocked their immigration policies and demanded that “schools be open now”. He did not get out of politics and even flirted with the possibility of leading the Republican presidential bid in 2024. Further harshly indicted his party colleagues who voted in favor of impeachment that they initiated him for “inciting an insurrection” during the capture of the Capitol on January 6.

With his signature tone, the former president continued to call on the division to uphold the “America First” slogan: “Their families are still unable to go to the restaurant while Biden allows the entry into the country of thousands of refugees of whom nothing is known “. Blocked on Twitter and other social media, Trump has so far maintained an isolated low profile at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida since leaving government on January 20. There he is fought even by the neighbors, who rightly reminded him in a letter that it is a club and not a place of permanent residence.

“Do I miss him already?”the former president asked, exploding his audience at the big annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event that kicked off Friday in Orlando, Florida. His whole presentation was a mixture of religious ceremony with touches of stand up. In the precedent of his words, songs like “Billie Jean”, “Gloria” or “Macho Man” sounded., and their farewell was another Village People holiday song, “YMCA.”

His hour-and-a-half speech was a collection of criticisms of Biden and no self-criticism. “Joe Biden had the most disastrous first month of any president in modern history … In just a month, we went from the first to the last. “, assured the Republican magnate. “We are in the midst of a historic struggle for the future of America, American culture, American institutions, borders and our most precious principles,” he added.

The ex-president began by attacking Biden for the “southern border crisis,” praising his alleged advances on immigration. “By recklessly removing our border, security measures, checks, everything we do, Biden has caused a massive avalanche of illegal immigration to our country like we have never seen before. ” said Trump and accused the Democratic president of putting “the vile coyotes back in business.” Last week, the new government introduced an immigration reform bill to Congress that, among other things, paves the way for citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.

Trump has also accused the Democratic president against him of repealing travel bans implemented under his administration. As one of his first bars, Biden quashed an immigration decree from Trump that barred the entry into the country of citizens of Muslim-majority countries. “This has increased refugee admissions nearly 10 times, but in fact it will be hundreds of times as millions of people cross our soon-to-open borders., assured the former president.

In his time devoted to the coronavirus pandemic that plagued the country during his tenure, Trump was concerned about the children, saying they “should go back to school and do it now.”. Once again, he resorted to xenophobic comparisons in ensuring that migrants at the border get an education, but that American citizens themselves are not. accusing Biden of “selling American children to teacher unions.”

The former president took all the credit for Operation Warp Speed ​​by making sure Democrats “follow our plan” on COVID-19 vaccines. “If we had an honest means of communication, which we don’t have, they would say it loud and clear,” he warned. Far from reconsidering, Trump once again called coronavirus a “Chinavirus” and at no time did he mention the lack of federal coordination of its management to deal with the new pandemic.

With his signature verbiage, Trump hinted that he was ready to face the presidential race around 2024 and insisted he win the 2020 presidential race. “Who knows, he might even decide to beat them a third time.”he said under a shower of applause. The former president called the 2020 elections “rigged” and accused the courts of doing nothing. The conservative crowd nodded, “You won, you won!”

Trump denied he was going to create a new political party, a version that had been aired in some local media, ensuring he had the support of 9 out of 10 members of the Republican Party. “I stand before you today to say that the incredible journey we started together four years ago is far from over.said the ex-president, to whom they dedicated a special golden statue that attracted conservatives who approached the convention.

While he was not shy about tackling almost any issue, Trump did not speak out or apologize for the violent assault on Congress on January 6. He also didn’t delve into the indictment that held him to the ropes on the charge of incitement to insurgency. In the Senate, seven Republicans joined Democrats in voting to convict him, although the trial failed. “We can’t have leaders who show more passion for condemning their fellow citizens than they all have to stand up to Democrats, the media and the radicals who want to make the United States a socialist country, ”he said in this regard.

At the end of his speech, Trump returned to one of the most talked about topics throughout the afternoon: the presidential elections of 2024. At that point, the ex-president again predicted a Republican triumph, although he does not know it, in an enigmatic tone, who will be the candidate of the party: “I wonder who, who, who is this?”


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