Trump said that he could "wipe Afghanistan off the face of the earth" but decided not to do it – Telam


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, said that he could win the war in Afghanistan by erasing this country "from the face of the earth" and by "killing ten million people," but he decides not to not do it.

"I could win this war in a week but I do not want to kill ten million people," Trump told reporters after receiving Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House.

"Afghanistan could be wiped off the surface of the earth, I do not want to go," he said, according to the news agency EFE, while stating that he wanted End this war: "We've been there for 19 years, it's ridiculous."

In badyzing the end or "exit" of the United States, Trump seized the opportunity to seek the badistance of his guest and asked the head of the Pakistani government to put pressure on the Taliban insurgent movement, which occupies a important place in this neighboring country, access a final ceasefire and sign a peace agreement with Kabul.


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