Trump says he's trying to achieve something positive with López Obrador in a bilateral relationship


The talks that the US government has with Mexico's virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, are aimed at achieving something positive in bilateral relations, President Donald said today. Trump.

"We are talking to Mexico about NAFTA and I think we are going to achieve something," said the US president before inventors and businessmen gather at the White House, a few hours before the three partners renew the negotiations in Washington.

Trump was pleased with the first contacts with López Obrador, with whom he spoke on the phone for half an hour on July 2, in addition to which the two exchanged personal letters

. "The new president-elect (AMLO) is a wonderful person, I talked to him a long time, he got a very good vote and they have a lot of confidence in him in Mexico, and that's good, "said the president in his brief reference to Mexico.

He indicated that his conversations with Tabasco were aimed at something dramatic. Two countries. "

On Sunday, López Obrador publicly announced the contents of the letter he sent to Trump, where he proposes a series of policies aimed at reducing migration and concluding agreements to jointly address bilateral issues.

The letter was delivered to Mexico City to the task force led by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo on July 13, in which was the first approach of the winner of the elections In terms of trade, Lopez Obrador told Trump "that it's worth making an effort to conclude the renegotiation" of the Free Trade Agreement for America. (NAFTA) "because prolonging uncertainty could slow investment in the medium and long term, which hampers Mexico's economic growth."

He reminds her that part of her team will accompany the current government On the front of the m igration, he explained that the fundamental objective of his government "will be that Mexicans do not have to migrate because of poverty or violence and that migration is optional and not necessary". To this end, he will strive to get people to find work in their places of origin.

On the problem of migration, López Obrador pointed out to Trump that "it must be treated in a comprehensive way" thanks to a development plan. to the countries of Central America

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