Trump "seduces" Cuba so he stops supporting Nicolás Maduro | Chronic


The American president, Donald Trump, proposed to Cuba an economic opening if he withdrew his support to the Venezuelan president, Nicolás MaduroHe however reiterated his threats of a larger economic blockade and more sanctions if he continued to support the Bolivarian leader.

"With the right move, Cuba could do very well, we could make an opening", Trump said last night in an interview with the channel Fox Business, in which he also warned that the United States will tighten its position against the island "If you do not leave Venezuela".
Trump badured that Cuba is expecting a "very hard embargo" he continues to support Maduro and says that his request "It will depend on what happens".

The president reiterated his threat expressed for the first time on Tuesday to step up the embargo on Cuba and impose sanctions "from the highest level".

"If Cuban troops and militias do not stop immediately their military or other operations in order to cause the death and destruction of the Venezuelan Constitution, a complete embargo will be imposed on the island of Cuba, accompanied by sanctions. all important", he added.

I also read: <A href = " Venezuela-20190501-0034.html "target =" _ blank "> United States: "A military intervention is possible in Venezuela"

Trump firmly maintains that in Venezuela some 25,000 Cubans are allegedly acting within the intelligence and military structure of the Caribbean country, which Cuba flatly denied when he accused Washington of "shamelessly lie".

According to Washington, while Maduro is still in power, it is partly thanks to this support from Havana. In the same interview, reproduced by the EFE news agency, Trump called the Venezuelan president a "hard guy" and he also said that what his secretary of state said Wednesday, Mike Pompeothat Maduro was ready to leave the country but that Moscow had prevented him, are "Rumors".

"If that's the case, it's not acceptable, you hear all kinds of rumors, you hear rumors about Russia, a lot about Cuba."he says

Trump overthrew the historic opening process between the United States and Cuba, promoted by his predecessor, soon after he came to power. Barack Obama, with the Cuban president of that time, Raul Castroafter more than half a century of hostility.

The White House recently announced that remittances that can be sent to Cuba by the United States would be limited to "Thousand dollars per person and quarter"and the State Department has confirmed that it is studying the possibility of eliminating some of the twelve categories that allow Americans to travel legally on the island.

In addition, the White House will allow domestic claims against multinational corporations operating on land or buildings expropriated in Cuba after the 1959 revolution, beginning Thursday, adding uncertainty to investment and to trade with the island.


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