Trump sends his secretary of state for a brief visit to Argentina


Mike Pompeo arrives on the 19th for a nomination with strong political connotations; will participate in an act in the AMIA Source: AFP

In a new gesture of convincing harmony between the governments of

Mauricio Macri


Donald Trump

, US Chancellor Michael Richard Pompeo, will visit Argentina next week to participate in a summit against terrorism and pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack.


, who is 25 years old.

The date of the trip is not accidental. The state secretary's visit will take place at a time when Casa Rosada should declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a decision motivated and desired by Washington and Israel.

Pompeo should arrive between the 18th and the 19th of this month. Although the US government still has not confirmed its agenda, as he knew
THE NATION the official will not participate in the tribute to the 85 victims of the attack and the request for justice in Pasteur Street or at Casa Rosada on the 18th, because he has commitments in the United States.

Instead, he will participate the next day in a commemorative event organized by the government within the AMIA. It will be in the morning on the dry place of the building of the mutual. Pompeo will be accompanied by Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie and the president of the entity, Ariel Eichbaum.

The foreign ministers who will arrive in Buenos Aires in the coming days will also participate in the Ministerial Conference against Terrorism, which will be held for the first time in the country.

Pompeo will remain in the city less than 48 hours and will be escorted by a reinforced security operation organized by the department headed by Patricia Bullrich.

Mike Pompeo arrives on the 19th for a nomination with strong political connotations; will participate in an act in the AMIA
Mike Pompeo arrives on the 19th for a nomination with strong political connotations; will participate in an act in the AMIA Source: AFP

It will be a journey of geopolitical goals. Pompeo's visit will come at a time of growing tension between the United States and Iran following the Arab country's refusal to halt the development of its nuclear program outside of the international agreement signed in July. 2015 with the other nuclear powers.

Iran has been accused by Argentine justice of being behind the AMIA bombing and using Hezbollah to carry it out.

In this sense, the US Secretary of State expects the Argentine government to include this organization based in Lebanon on a list of terrorist groups. He is also looking for other countries in the region to follow the same path, such as Uruguay.

In addition, the US Chancellor is planning a meeting with President Mauricio Macri, during which the Trump government should give new impetus to the president for him to attend the elections.

Pompeo was one of those who expressed in recent months Republican support for Macri. During his previous trip to the region in April, during his visit to Santiago de Chile, the official praised the economic policy of Cambiemos. "Argentina decided that older models were not producing results, these solutions were no longer working, it was not what they were looking for. [Macri] is trying to reform the economy, "he said, knowing that adjustment measures are unpopular.

"There is a sentence in English, probably in Spanish too, but I will say it in English today, which says that what is popular is not always the right thing, but that the good thing "It's not always popular," he said. He added: "The government [argentino] takes tough but important steps to build sustainable growth. It is a difficult road, not without danger. Neither without results. "

Pompeo has held this position since the middle of last year, replacing Rex Tillerson.

The leader is a Republican leader of trajectory and has held important positions in the North American government. He was director of the CIA from January 2017 to April 2018, legislator and officer of the armed forces.

During his first few months as Secretary of State, Pompeo took charge of developing negotiations with North Korea. The official even went to Pyongyang, where he met Kim Jong-un.



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