Trump State Secretary paid tribute to the victims of AMIA and met with Macri


Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State of the United States, began his tour of Latin America and arrived in Argentina this Friday to participate in the Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on the Fight against Terrorism. In addition, he must meet with the president Mauricio Macri in the Quinta de Olivos.

The official activity of the official of Donald Trump started after 10 am with participation in an event at the headquarters of the AMIA, as part of the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the terrorist attack against the Jewish Mutual which has left 85 dead and hundreds wounded.

The president of AMIA, Ariel EichbaumThe authorities of the Jewish community and several chancellors are taking part in the anti-terrorism conference held in the San Martín Palace. There, representatives of the region are expected to sign a document against the terrorist organization Hezbollah, a project in which the government is seeking to go forward.

The FIU ordered the freezing of Hezbollah's badets

After the meeting, there will be a camaraderie lunch, in the presence of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichand the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo, where a meeting between North America and Chancellor Faurie is planned, as indicated Telam.

At age 15, there will be a press conference with the conclusions of the forum, then Pompeo will visit Macri at the Quinta de Olivos, where they will have a private meeting. According to information provided by the US State Department, the Secretary of State "will broaden its cooperation on security issues and underline the US commitment to democracy, human rights and human rights." man and new opportunities "economic for our citizens".

Mike Pompeo 07192019
The arrival of Mike Pompeo in Buenos Aires. Saturday 20, he continues his tour in Latin America.

They also indicated that they would reaffirm their support for the peoples of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. "In its struggle for democracy and against repression."

In our country, Pompeo will also meet the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Theodore Ribera and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bahamas, Darren Henfieldto strengthen collaboration to promote citizen security, expand trade and investment, and promote democratic governance. "His tour will continue this Saturday in Ecuador, Mexico and El Salvador.



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