Trump suspends visit to Denmark, angry because Greenland has not been sold | Chronic


US PresidentDonald Trump, suspended its official visit to Denmark on 2-3 September for the Copenhagen refusal to rule on the sale of Greenland, a controversial decision considered "offense" by the political clbad of the Nordic country.

"Whereas the Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen you have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will postpone the meeting on another occasion "Trump said Tuesday night via Twitter.

The US President opened a thread and added: "The Prime Minister has been able to save a lot of money and effort for the United States and Denmark by being so direct, so I thank him for that and hope to postpone it in the future! "

Tweets from Trump

In the absence of an official position of the Social Democrat government led by Frederiksen, politicians from the major parties reacted to the announcement by strongly criticizing Trump for what they consider "a lack of respect and an insult to the country and, especially, to Queen Margaret II" who had officially invited him.

The Royal Danish House simply replied through its spokesperson that the news was a new "surprise".

"Trump lives on another planet, self-sufficient and disrespectful"wrote on Twitter Skipper Pernille, spokesman for the Unique Red List, one of the forces that support the Frederiksen Executive.

The tweet of Pernille Skipper.

The leader of the liberal social party and ally of Frederiksen, Morten ØstergaardHe said the reality was beyond fantasy and was surprised that no one in Washington had told Trump that he could not buy Greenland.

"The President of the United States has suspended his visit to Denmark because there was no point in discussing a sale in Greenland." Is this a joke? Profoundly offensive to Greenlanders and The danish?"said the former Social Democrat Prime Minister on Twitter Helle Thorning-Schmidt, reported the EFE news agency.

Tweet from former Social Democrat Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

The opposition has also been very critical of Trump's announcement, and the Liberal Party vice-president and former foreign affairs minister, Kristian JensenHe even talked about "diplomatic crisis" and the need to reorient relations between the two countries.

The visit to Copenhagen was the last leg of Trump's official trip to Europe. It will begin with its participation in the summit of the group of Seven most developed countries (G7) in Biarritz, France, from August 24 to 26, and will continue in Poland from August 31 to September 2.

"Greenland is not for sale, Greenland is not Danish, it is Greenlandic, I really hope nothing is said seriously."Frederiksen said Sunday by visiting this Arctic island boasting a broad status of autonomy.

Trump had confirmed a day earlier rumors about his plans to acquire the island, confessing that "the concept has emerged" and that he thought that "strategically it's interesting".

In a brief statement, the Government of Greenland stated that its territory "This is not for sale."


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