Trump threatened Cuba with a total embargo if troops did not withdraw from Venezuela


True to its custom, the media Trump He chose to publish a series of tweets in his official account of Twitter download a message as direct as threatening, demanding the immediate withdrawal of these troops from the Bolivarian Republic.

To integrate

If Cuban troops and militia do not immediately STOP military or other operations aimed at causing the death and destruction of Venezuela's Constitution, a complete and complete act ….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 30, 2019

"If Cuban troops and militias do not stop immediately military and other operations in order to cause the death and destruction of the Venezuelan Constitution, a complete embargo will be placed on the island of Cuba with We hope that all Cuban soldiers will return to their island quickly and peacefully! ", he wrote. Trump.

These affirmations of President Americans go with those of the advisor National security, John Bolton, who previously alleged that Cuban troops maintained Nicolás Maduro in power in Caracas.


Leopoldo López entered the Chilean embbady in Caracas

Chavismo badured that the uprising "is controlled"

The government of United States says that there are about 20,000 Cuban agents and agents working in Venezuela support the government of Maduro. Cuba He denies that this is the case and points out that most of these people are medical workers whose payments make up a significant portion of the income of the island services.

United States and about 50 other nations argue that the re-election of Maduro last year was irrevocably sullied by fraud and is not the legitimate agent of Venezuela, a country with the largest verifiable oil reserves in the world, and one that has enjoyed great prosperity in other times.

Immediate reaction in Havana

"There are no military operations or Cuban troops in Venezuela, we call on the international community to put an end to the dangerous aggressive escalation and to preserve the peace – enough lies," he writes on Tuesday. evening in his account Twitter the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel.

For his part, the Chancellor Bruno Rodríguez he accused Bolton be a "Pathological liar" and reiterated that Cuban collaborators Venezuela They are mainly doctors.


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