Trump threatened the Taliban on September 11th | Chronic


Donald TrumpHe promised Wednesday an escalation in the fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan, two days after the cancellation of peace talks with this group of insurgents due to a new attack in Kabul.

In a speech to the Pentagon on the occasion of the eighteenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11, 2001, Trump recalled that he had suspended this weekend the meeting he was considering at the presidential residence Camp David with the Taliban and the Afghan Government Promoting a peace agreement.

"We had planned peace talks a few days ago, and I canceled them when I learned that they had killed a great Puerto Rican American soldier and eleven other innocent people."Trump recalled, quoted by the EFE news agency.

"(The Taliban) believed that they would use this attack to demonstrate their strength, but what they demonstrated is unstoppable weakness.Over the past four days, we have hit our enemy stronger than ever before and that will continue. "he warned.

Trump added: "And if, for whatever reason, they return to our country, we will go wherever they are and use a degree of force never used by the United States, and I do not speak of nuclear force."

"They will never have seen anything like it – what will happen to them – no enemy on earth can compete with the overwhelming strength, talent, and power of the US military."he added.

The Trump warning came two days after he gave by "Dead" the peace talks that the United States and the Taliban held for more than a year in Qatar to end nearly two decades of war in Afghanistan and which had already resulted in a draft agreement.

The suspension of negotiations risks provoking an even more intense resurgence of violence in Afghanistan at a particularly delicate moment, just two weeks after the presidential elections in the country.

Trump went to the Pentagon to remember the 184 people who died 18 years ago, when a commercial plane crashed against the headquarters of the Department of Defense, less than an hour later the first impact of the Twin Towers in New York.

"It was a day full of horror and sorrow"he said, remembering that he was looking at "an important business program" on television when programming was interrupted to show the first images of the twin towers on fire.

He said that he could see how the second plane crashed into these iconic buildings looking out the window of his tower, in downtown Manhattan, and then went into the zero zone. "try to help".

"American freedom only survives because patriots are willing to sacrifice everything.We do not seek conflict, but if anyone dares to attack our land, we will react."alert. Previously, Trump had claimed on Twitter that his country would not forget "never" the attacks of September 11, during which more than 3,000 people died.

"We will never forget September 11"

Trump said Wednesday that his country will not forget "never" the attacks on the twin towers of New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC 18 years ago, in which more than 3,000 people died.

"We will never forget 11-9-2001", the president tweeted, who with his wife Melania, made a minute of silence in the garden of the White House in memory of the victims of the attacks.

Both left the White House and arrived at the venue of the ceremony by shaking hands after the American anthem. Then it was the turn of the presidential band. A huge crowd gathered in South Lawn, while the whole country was arrested at the time of the attacks.

Trump was accompanied by his wife Melania.


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