Trump threatened to close the border with Mexico next week | Chronic


Donald Trump, announced this Friday which will close "totally or partially" the border with Mexico next week if the Mexican authorities do not stop "at once" and completely the flow of illegal immigrants, and reiterated his criticism of the Democrats for not supporting their policies for the region.

"The Democrats have left us the weakest immigration laws in the world, those in Mexico are the most restrictive and make more than $ 100,000,000 a year at the expense of the United States.", writes Trump on his network account Twitter

The President returned to link immigration to the North American Free Trade Agreement (TCLAN), amended last year without major changes, and which he says is a pact in which his country is losing trade balance.

"Therefore, Congress must now amend these laws, while Mexico must prevent illegal immigrants from entering the US If Mexico does not immediately stop any illegal immigration entering the United States by our southern border, I will close the border, or large sections of the border, next week, " ad.

"It would not cost Mexico anything to do it, but they were taking our money and talking, and we were losing so much money with them, especially if we added drug trafficking, that closing the border would be a good idea. . ", badessed the president, according to the DPA and Ansa agencies.

The Democrats gave us the weakest immigration laws in the world. Mexico has the strongest, and they earn more than 100 billion dollars a year in the United States. Therefore, the convention must change our immigration laws today, and Mexico must prevent illegal immigrants from entering the United States ….

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
March 29, 2019

…. across their country and our southern border. For many years, Mexico has made a fortune in the United States, far more than the costs at the border. If Mexico does not stop immediately, it will be illegal.

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
March 29, 2019

…. the border, or large sections of the border, next week. It would be easy for Mexico, but they would take our money and "talk". In addition, we would have a lot of money with them, especially when you add drug trafficking, etc., that closing the border would be a good thing. thing!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
March 29, 2019

Trump had already launched Thursday the possibility of closing the border after accusing Mexico, once again, of remaining inactive in the face of illegal immigration, before forming a new caravan of migrants from America. Central can accommodate up to 20,000 people. "the caravan mother".

"Mexico does nothing to help reduce the flow of illegal immigrants to our country, they speak but there is no action" wrote this Thursday.

Meanwhile, two US Department of Defense officials told CNN that Washington was exploring the border to build new physical barriers.

According to officials, small teams of engineers and experts, made up of about 10 members, are on the ground in Yuma, Arizona, and in the New Mexico part of the area. El Paso, which also includes Texas, reviews the sites.

Jay Field, spokesman for the United States Army Engineers Corps, confirmed the presence of the teams in the field. Field badured that the eventual project is to install 17 km of fences in Yuma and 74 km in El Paso. Each badessment should take about seven days.

Construction could begin at the end of May if the Department of Homeland Security issues environmental exemptions, which is sometimes done to speed up work.


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