Trump threatens Cuba with a "total embargo" if it does not stop supporting Maduro


The President of the United States maintains that Cuban militias are operating in Venezuela to support the incumbent president. Chavez's response to the UN

US President Donald Trump on Tuesday threatened Cuba with a "total" embargo and sanctions if he does not stop supporting Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduroat a time when a group of soldiers got up in Caracas.

"If Cuban troops and militias do not cease immediately military and other operations in order to cause the death and destruction of the Venezuelan Constitution, a full embargo will be imposed, accompanied by high-level sanctions." the US president on Twitter.

… but with the sanctions at the highest level, will be placed on the island of Cuba. Let's hope that all Cuban soldiers will return quickly and peacefully to their island!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 30, 2019

Venezuela accuses the United States

For his part, Venezuelan Ambbadador to the UN, Samuel Moncada, denounced the fact that the United States and other countries in the region were aware of the preparations for a military uprising against Nicolás Maduro's government. . conspired to provoke "civil war" in Venezuela.

"This new attempt by foreign powers to promote a civil war, to open the doors to interventionism and to set up a puppet government in our country has failed," Maduro's representative at the United Nations told reporters. .

The ambbadador said he was "proud" of the cautiousness shown by the police to restore order without using "a single bullet" and "without lives to regret until". Now ", and stated" the incident "caused by a military vehicle that protesters overwhelmed the opposition" could have been an accident ".

The leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó, considered Venezuela's interim president by more than 50 countries, announced a military uprising in the early hours of Tuesday. from La Carlota Air Base, to Caracas, and warned that there would be no turning back.

At the UN, Moncada accused the United States and its "gangsters" of diplomats, presidents of Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Paraguay and OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro of "accomplices" of a "destabilization operation of the media" of the government that failed due to lack of popular support.

Almagro "knew the coup was imminent" and was complicit in Guaidó's attempt to seize power, as well as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Advisor John Bolton and Senator American Marco Rubio, he said.

"We warn that this new form of externally-badaulted, overtly supported coups violates the United Nations Charter and all the rules of international law, while undermining international peace and security," he said. said the ambbadador, who baderted a meeting of the Security Council to discuss the issue.

Moncada said that the United States is working tirelessly for the UN to withdraw powers and hand them over to a representative of Guaidó, but he is confident that this will not happen.

"I can hardly believe that the UN recognizes such a serious, irresponsible and criminal government"he said.

He lamented that Antonio Guterres, the UN chief, "declares himself impartial in this conflict" by calling on both parties earlier to avoid violence. "We are the only legitimate government in Venezuela," he said.

Moncada said that he did not know what was going to happen to Guaidó, but that it "is obvious that he committed a crime of sedition, of treason" and that in any serious country, "he should be sent to prison".

Venezuela is going through a serious economic crisis, with hyperinflation that the IMF forecasts of 10,000,000% for this year and a serious shortage of medicines and other necessities.

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