Trump, to the charge against the Muslim deputy | Re …


US President Donald Trump demonized via Twitter Muslim Democratic MP Ilhan Omar, the first person of Somali descent and the first Muslim woman to win a seat in the House of Representatives. Leaving aside any diplomacy, the president recounted an Omar speech at the attack on the 11 September 11 Twin Towers in a video harshly interrogated by opposition members for encouraging hatred and hatred. l & # 39; Islamophobia. In the face of criticism, the White House had to write a statement to try to end the scandal. After the video was released, the Democrats asked the authorities to guarantee the safety of the congressman, considering that her life was in danger because of the repeated death threats she had received for her religious election. Omar confirmed this fear yesterday by stating that the threats against him had increased after the start of the broadcast of the video.

It all started with the President's reaction to a speech made by Omar in March to the Civil Rights Organization of the Muslim-American Relations Council (CAIR), published on the YouTube platform on Tuesday. There, 37-year-old Omar denounced the stigmatization of Muslims living in the United States, who, he said, live too long as second-clbad citizens. "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they understood that some people had acted and we all started to lose access to our civil liberties," the legislator said.

Seeing this speech, Trump, far from calm, pointed the woman in Congress with a video mounted. The first images take up the fragment of Omar's discourse focusing on the part "some people did something", which then went on in the dark with the question "Do some people have is doing something? ", text that gives rise to images of the worst attack in American history. "We will never forget it," tweeted Trump to accompany the publication.

The Democratic opponent severely criticized the video, led by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives. "The memory of September 11 is sacred territory and any conversation about it should be done with reverence. The president should not use the painful images of September 11 for a political attack, "Pelosi told Trump on his Twitter account." The words of the president weigh heavily, and his rhetoric inflammatory and full of hatred creates a real danger. Trump must eliminate his disrespectful and dangerous video, "added the Democratic leader.

Other Democrats directly accused the New York mogul of inciting violence against Omar, who this month received at least one death threat from a man who called his office and said she was a "terrorist" and that she would put "a bullet in her bading head." The man was arrested for this threat. "Omar's life is in danger," New York Democratic MP Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said Friday. Omar thanked the support in a tweet, in which he badured that the attacks would not weaken his great love for the United States, and recalled that Trump had asked during his 2016 campaign to prohibit the entry of Muslims into the country.

Yesterday, Omar denounced more threats against his life. "Since the president tweeted Friday afternoon, the number of threats against my life has increased, many of them referring directly to the video broadcast by the president," said the Democratic congressman, according to CNN. "Violent crimes and other acts of hatred committed by the far right and white nationalists are increasing in this country and in the world," he warned, before adding: "We can not continue to ignore that these people are encouraged by someone who occupies the most important position in the country ".

In the midst of criticism, the White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, denied that the Republican president wanted to incite hatred, but did not apologize for this publication and even tried to justify it. "The president wants nothing bad, and certainly no violence against anyone, but he denounces the woman of Congress, as it should, because of his anti-Semitic statements," Sanders said in an interview with ABC News. .

Trump criticizes Omar since March, when the congressman denounced in several tweets the political influence in the United States of the pro-Israel lobby group Aipac and the so-called "loyalty" of some US lawmakers in Israel. Some politicians from both parties described these statements as anti-Semitic. The president took the opportunity to accuse the entire Democratic opposition of this bias against the Jews.

Omar was born in Somalia, but when the civil war broke out in 1991, at the age of 9, she fled with her family to Kenya, where they lived in a refugee camp for four years. years. In 1995, they moved to the United States. At the university, she studied business administration, political science and international studies. In 2016, she became the first person of Somali descent and the first Muslim woman elected to the United States House of Representatives. He obtained his banking services in the state of Minnesota, where the large Somali community is concentrated by the Democratic Labor Party of Minnesota, the Democratic Party's local ally.


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