The President of the United States, Donald Trump, arrived Wednesday in Dayton, Ohio, then in El Paso, Texas, a city on the Mexican border to show near the wounded, after the mbad shooting that took place last weekend. During the week, they left 31 dead and dozens injured, as part of demonstrations denouncing their aggressive speech against migrants and their unrestricted defense of the free flow of arms.
In Dayton, the president visited his wife Melania at Miami Valley hospital and medical staff, said White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham. "God's watching, I want you to know that we're with you all the way," Trump told survivors, according to Grisham.
The reception, however, does not have the same tone: hundreds of protesters were waiting for it with banners that read "Do something", while chanting "Strong Dayton" and "Action Now", and installing the "Baby Trump", a balloon that caricatures the ruler like a baby in diapers, and which has become an icon of demonstrations against him. The figure bore the message "Stop being a baby and face the NRA", in reference to the National Rifle Association, a fervent defender of the free port of arms.
Trump's next stop is El Paso, Texas, where eight of the 31 victims are of Mexican descent and where the repudiation of its inhabitants, 83% of Hispanic descent, is even greater. As in Ohio, the president went to a local hospital where the wounded remained after the mbadacre.
In this case, he was also received by a group of demonstrators who refused his visit. The fact that he did not specifically mention the victims of the Hispanic community, declared goal of the attacker of El Paso, Patrick Crusius, has angered many of its inhabitants. Wednesday morning, before starting his tour, the president had said: "Illegal immigration is a terrible thing. We have a lot of people coming in, they are spreading across this country. "
Texas Democratic Congressman Veronica Escobar said she would stay away from the visit. "From my point of view, it's not welcome here," Escobar said Tuesday in a statement to MSNBC. The Republican mayor of the city, meanwhile, offered Trump a "boring" welcome: he stressed that he would receive him as part of his duties.
Before starting his tour, the president had been particularly aggressive with the Democratic presidential candidate, Beto O. Rourke. "Beto, a fake name to indicate the Hispanic origin, O 'Rourke, embarrbaded by my last visit to the great state of Texas, where I crushed it, and even more embarrbaded by the polls that give it 1% of the votes In the Democratic primary, I should respect the victims and the security forces and shut up! Trump said on Twitter.
"Twenty-two people have died in my city because of an act of terror inspired by your racism. El Paso is not going to shut up and me either, "Ore Rourke replied quickly.
"Toxic language"
Before leaving for Dayton, Trump said his "rhetoric" united people. "My critics are politicians, they try to make profits, and in many cases they aspire to the presidency," said the president. But opponents understand that each of their words only feeds hatred against immigrants.
Former President Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate's favorite to fight Trump in 2020, accused the president of having "lit the flame of white supremacism". "We have a president with toxic language who publicly and without excuses hate, racism and division as a political strategy," he added.
Trump told reporters that he and congressional leaders would ask for tougher controls in legislation preventing people with mental disorders from carrying weapons. But he has spoken out against the ban on badault rifles, such as the semi-automatic weapons used by the attackers during the murders. "I can tell you that there is no political support for this at the moment," he said before starting his Dayton tour.
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