Trump wanted to criticize a member comparing her to Evita and was ridiculous


The American president, Donald Trump, tried to discredit the socialist woman of the Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comparing it with Eva Perón and the member left it ridiculous.

In an interview for American carnage, the president said watching television with his political advisers when he first became aware of Ocasio-Cortez while she was campaigning against Democratic Representative Joe Crowley.

"I see a young woman moaning and raving like crazy in a corner, and I said: "It's interesting, come back again" " in the book, according to excerpts obtained by The Guardian. "She has talent, that's the good news." The bad thing is that she does not knowat. She has a good sense and an "it" factor, which is good enough, but knows nothing. But over time, it has real potential, "said Trump through reviews.


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And he finished: "I called her Eva Perón," revealed the president. "I said:" It's Eva Perón, that's Evita. "

Ocasio-Cortez did not remain silent and replied on Twitter to the American president by two familiar expressions of the "flag-bearer of the humble": "I know that, like all women in the population, I have more strength than I seem to have", Published Ocasio-Cortez.

"I know that, like all the women of the people, I have more strength than what I seem to have."

– Evita Perón

– Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) July 7, 2019

"I looked for many years and how some wealthy families had much of the wealth and power of Argentina. The government has therefore introduced an eight-hour working day, sick pay and fair wages so that the working poor can work fairly, "he said in another tweet.


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