Trump wants to make war in South America


Nicolás Maduro accused the American president of seeking his oil.

Venezuela Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has spoken again as his country goes through a terrible crisis in which several countries consider it to be the main cause. Whatever the case may be, the Bolivarian leader has decided to answer, once again, to all those who ask for his head: he has accused the United States of wanting "Venezuelan oil" and being "willing to wage war" in South America for this purpose, and baderted that the opposition leader Juan Guaidó "will have to see the face of Justice because he had forbidden him to leave the country ".

In an exclusive interview with the American channel ABC News, the chief chavist first told the head of parliament, Juan Guaidó: "He can leave and return to Venezuela, but he will have to see the face of justice because he had forbidden her to leave the country. " The Venezuelan Supreme Court had accepted preliminary measures against the self-proclaimed president – recognized by several countries, such as the United States and Argentina – and including bans to leave the country without permission until the end of the year. at the end of the investigation of the Attorney General. "He must respect the laws," said Maduro.

"Guaidó can leave and return to Venezuela, but he will have to see the face of justice because the Supreme Court has forbidden him to leave the country on a preliminary basis." Nicolás Maduro. President of Venezuela

According to the Venezuelan leader, the meeting between Guaidó and the Lima group, US Vice President Mike Pence and Canada is "part of the policy to establish a parallel government in Venezuela". In this way, he focused on what for him is a conspiracy of the North American country. "The United States is trying to provoke a crisis to justify a political escalation and military intervention in Venezuela to bring the war to South America," Maduro said. Continuing his accusations, the Venezuelan president said: "We are trying to set up a parallel government in Venezuela because the United States wants Venezuelan oil and is ready to wage war for Venezuelan oil."

Maduro again described Donald Trump's US government as an "extremist Ku Klux Klan government", although he said he was willing to "engage directly" with Washington in order to "find solutions". 21st century and not the cold war ".

Regarding the chaotic situation on the borders of his country, the president said: "No human rights organization has made me responsible for any deaths whatsoever".

The Lima group reiterated its request

The Lima Group countries reiterated their call "to all members of the National Armed Forces of Venezuela to recognize the President in charge, Juan Guaidó, as Commander-in-Chief".


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