Trump's blacklist left Huawei in red | Adm …


The founder of Huawei yesterday announced the 40% drop in its phone sales outside China since the United States blacklisted the telecommunications giant and announced that it would reduce its production.

The announcement of Ren Zhengfei, chairman and founder of the company, is the first recognition of Huawei's impact on the measures taken against him by the United States, accusing him of collaborating with the Chinese regime.

At a conference held in its southern China offices of Shenzhen, Ren acknowledged declining sales outside of China. "Yes, they dropped by 40%," he said in response to a question from a reporter. Although no details were provided, a spokeswoman for Huawei later explained that it was a 40% drop in sales outside of China. between May and June, following the US decision. Ren said, however, that sales in China have increased "very fast".

The businessman said that the "setbacks" that Huawei was facing "were not caused by US companies" but by "politicians", clearly hinting at the government led by Donald Trump, who says that the Chinese firm is a danger to society. your national security

"Over the past 30 years, Huawei's development has been supported by companies around the world, and in the past, when we were not yet so strong, we were determined to work with US companies. Future, we will be even more determined to work with US companies, "he said.

Last year, Huawei was the world's number two handset producer – ahead of Apple and behind the South Korean Samsung – and one of the world's leading telecommunications equipment companies.

In 2018, the company sold a total of 206 million phones, about half in China and the rest abroad.

Ren, 74, has announced that he plans to cut production by $ 30,000 million over the next two years, without specifying for what activity. By 2018, Huawei had committed 100,000,000,000 dollars. A reduction of 30 000 000 000 would therefore mean a drop of 30%. However, Ren Zhengfei said that he trusted the future and compared the company to a damaged plane that could still fly. "By 2021, we will regain our vitality and provide services to humanity," he said. Huawei is at the center of the trade war between China and the United States, in which both countries imposed punitive tariffs. With these measures, the administration of President Donald Trump has de facto banned Huawei's presence on the US market as well as its relations with the country's companies.

In mid-May, Washington listed Huawei on a list of entities that can not buy electronic components in the United States without the permission of the administration, although the measure is currently suspended for 90 days. As a result of this, companies such as Google announced that they were ceasing to provide technology services to the Chinese company, a situation that triggered the panic of millions of mobile phone users facing to the uncertainty surrounding future updates of Google's Android operating system.

The businessman said that the "setbacks" that Huawei was facing "were not caused by US companies" but by "politicians", clearly hinting at the government led by Donald Trump, who says that the Chinese firm is a danger to society. your national security

"Over the past 30 years, Huawei's development has been supported by companies around the world, and in the past, when we were not yet so strong, we were determined to work with US companies. Future, we will be even more determined to work with US companies, "he said. The United States is concerned that the Chinese government will spy on Huawei's telecommunication systems. This fear is partly explained by the fact that Ren is a Chinese army engineer and by the structure of this private company, which some consider opaque. Huawei denies any relationship with the Chinese government and claims that the United States has not provided any evidence of its allegations.

At the same time, the Trump administration is pressuring other countries for that they do not use Huawei's telecommunications infrastructure, especially for the deployment of the new network 5G mobile phone, a technology in which the company is a global leader. US decisions have already pushed Huawei away from companies such as Facebook or Google, which have suspended their collaboration. According to the Eurasia consulting group, Huawei "has little hope of staying at the forefront of global mobile phones or infrastructure technologies while remaining on the blacklist of US entities."


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