Trump's state secretary backed Macri: "He made the right decisions"


After supporting Mauricio Macri for his anti-Hezbollah policy, Donald Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo continued his praise by talking about "new era of relationships" between the United States and Argentina.

Pompeo strongly compared the current climate and the one that reigned during the 12 years of Kirchnerism with the tense relations that there were with the government of George W. Bush and Barack Obama: "They are day and night", he said in an interview Infobae.

"We work together, economically and cooperatively, work together on safety issues, and work on a wide range of issues to improve the lives of people here in Argentina and the United States. will result in benefits for our two countries for years and years in the future, "he continued.

Despite the severe economic crisis in the country, Pompeo also supported the economic policy led by the government. "I have seen first-hand how much President Macri had made some important decisions about the economy, sometimes difficult. made the right decisionswho have been favorable to creating opportunities for growth and reducing the risk of the Argentine economy, "he said.

Already yesterday, after meeting Mauricio Macri, Pompeo had stated in social networks that "our relationship is based on cooperation and is stronger than ever, Argentina stands out as a reliable partner in our joint efforts to restore the democracy in Venezuela. "

Mike Pompeo at the Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism (Photo: AFP / Juan Mabromata).
Mike Pompeo at the Second Hemispheric Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism (Photo: AFP / Juan Mabromata).

The US Minister of Foreign Affairs visited Argentina on Friday to attend the second continental ministerial conference on the fight against terrorism and welcomed the alignment of the Argentine government with Hezbollah. , which was declared Wednesday "terrorist organization".

He also visited AMIA and paid tribute to the victims of the attack, for which he blamed the Shiite organization and Iran. "Hezbollah, the hidden arm of Iran, was the author of the AMIA bombing. He has acted throughout the hemisphere in the areas of terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering. I congratulate Argentina for designating Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, "he said.

Mike Pompeo: "Hezbollah, the hidden arm of Iran, was the author of the bombing of the AMIA. Hizbollah acted in all of Western hemisphere in the areas of terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering I commend Argentina for calling Hezbollah a terrorist organization "

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) July 19, 2019

On the same day, the US government officially accused Hezbollah leader Salman Raouf Salman of attacking AMIA and offered a reward of up to $ 7 million for any information that led to his capture.


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