Trump’s Supreme Court rules against him and ruins his latest plan to overthrow the U.S. election.


Two short lines. This is what occupies the supreme defeat of Donald Trump in his latest attempt to overturn the November 3 presidential election result in court. The judges of the highest judicial authority in the country rejected it unanimously.

“The request for provisional measures presented to Judge Alito and referred by him to the Court was refused“, We read the sentence, published Tuesday evening by the Supreme Court of the United States, where there is most conservative judges . Trump had trusted them if he didn’t win the election.

The lawsuit was brought by Republican Congressman Mike Kelly, who questioned the law passed in 2019 with support from both sides to expand access to the postal vote in Pennsylvania.

The Washington Supreme Court.  Photo: AFP

The Washington Supreme Court. Photo: AFP

Supported by other conservative politicians, Kelly called the cancellation of 2.5 million votes sent by mail or, on the contrary, allow the state parliamentary assembly to decide on its own delegates whatever the result of the popular vote, a maneuver that would have allowed their votes went for Trump see you next time December 14 The Electoral College, the body that elects the US president, meets.

Joe Biden’s victory was too important (the Democrat got 306 votes, against 232 the Republican got) for this possible change in the results to alter the final election result but would have allowed the president to win at least one victory in his campaign. desperate legal.

It was not the case. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled against the Republican petition on Nov. 28 for lack of diligence in its petition. “By the time this action was filed on November 21, 2020, millions of Pennsylvania voters had expressed their will in the June primary and November general election,” the judges alleged, who criticized the late presentation the appeal (by then it was clear that Biden had won the national election) and his demand to “disqualify” millions of citizens.

Pro-Trump protesters outside the Washington Supreme Court on Tuesday.  Photo: Reuters

Pro-Trump protesters outside the Washington Supreme Court on Tuesday. Photo: Reuters

In their appeal, Trump’s Republican allies alleged his rights were being violated. The United States Supreme Court apparently rejected it. unanimously since there is no opposing vote and without even feeling the need to elaborate their arguments not to annul the initial sentence of the state court.

On Tuesday afternoon, at a conference on the Covid-19 vaccine, President Trump expressed his undemocratic wish that either state parliaments or courts turn their backs on official results certified by states (Tuesday was the date limit to do so) and give it victory.

“We will see if anyone has courage, a deputy or a parliament, or a judge of the Supreme Court or more … We will see if they have courage doing what everyone in the country knows is the right thing to do, ”Trump said.

Unfortunately for his interests, no one outside his circle of acolytes agreed with him, although his enormous popularity among conservative voters means that few Republicans dared to go against him.

The author is a journalist for La Vanguardia



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