Tsunami of deaths in India: Covid devastates entire families | the Chronicle


After causing thousands of deaths in New Delhi and the most populous cities of India, the last wave of Covid-19 now it’s sweeping rural areas who until now had managed to avoid the coronavirus.

At Bases, located an hour and a half from the Indian capital, 75% of a population of 5,400 is infected and more than 30 people have died from the virus in the past three weeks. The village it has no health centers, doctors or oxygen tanks and the situation is out of control.

“Most of the deaths in the village occurred because there was no oxygen available”, Explain Sanjeev kumar, the newly elected leader of the farming community. “The sick are rushed to the district headquarters and these extremely ill patients they have to travel about four hours. Added that many do not arrive on time.

The tragic scenario is repeated across the country. Representatives of more than 18 towns and villages distributed in different parts of India described a grim picture: of entire dead families until swollen bodies floating in the Ganges even farmland abandoned due to lack of workers.

Many dare to claim that the scale of the health crisis is greater than what figures released by the Prime Minister’s government reveal Narendra Modi. Villagers fear leaving their homes even though they have obvious symptoms of Covid-19 and local authorities cannot cope with the correct registration of deaths from the viruses.

Horror tale

In the recent elections to appoint village chiefs, infections have exploded. Dwarf kumarsainA 59-year-old investigator contracted the virus from his 31-year-old son. His family had to transport him to a nearby hospital after they could not find an ambulance with oxygen, assured the rest of their children, Praveen Kumar.

Praveen Kumar lost her father and brother to Covid-19. (Credit Bloomberg).

“After we got to the hospital, the doctors said he died, but instead of registering Covid-19 as the cause of death, they told him he died of cardiac arrest.”Kumar related. “The doctor told us that it was not necessary to check if my father was HIV positive because he was already dead”.

Her brother died soon after at another clinic about 30 minutes, along with six other patients who were also receiving oxygen.

“I suspect that the hospital ran out of oxygen, which caused death “Kumar said. “Holding an election when the government knew the cases were on the rise and the infection was spreading is a criminal act, he warned.

In Basi, crops are paralyzed due to the lack of workers.

Death register

India reported a record of 4,329 deaths this Tuesday, when the total of reported cases exceeded the 25 millionss, according to the figures of Ministry of Health.

Confirmed cases reached 263,533 in the last 24 hours, the lowest number in a month after the records of more than 400,000 daily cases recorded two weeks ago.

The administered Asian country 1.5 million vaccines in the last 24 hours, as part of the campaign that began last January and spread to the entire Indian population over 18 in May. The number of vaccinated is 184 million and just over 3% of the population received both doses of Covishield of AstraZeneca, of Covaxin or of Sputnik V.


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