Tucumán: Firefighters announced that they will not parade in the July 9 act



Tucumán – If the word of a politician does not interfere, they will not work. The volunteer firefighters of Yerba Buena, Concepción, San Miguel de Tucumán and Tafí Viejo, among other cities, are ready to present themselves at the national parade tomorrow, when independence will be celebrated. In recent days, they have gone from badembly to badembly: they have no social work nor life insurance and auto.

The day before yesterday, for example, in a corner of Yerbabuena, a pumper was driving in a rental car. Pedro Hernán Rodríguez Salazar – the head of the barracks of this city – opened his wallet to pay for the fixation of the bumper of the taxi driver. Provincial law 939, volunteer firefighters from Tucumán, finished one year. Even so, it has not yet been regulated. And the writing is not accomplished in one of his chapters, say the volunteers. This point states that until the regulation comes into force and that, therefore, insurance and social work expenses are included in the provincial budget, it is necessary to use funds from the various expenditures of the province. Treasure. It has been a year without giving us anything. A year ago, it deprives us of what belongs to us, "explains Salazar. Then the firefighter asks some other questions. He wonders if, perhaps, in the government, no one thought that he and the volunteers of the other municipalities would leave their jurisdiction – to parade in San Miguel – with trucks whose insurance has expired. He wonders why they are being abused ("we do not load a mango, but they still do not help us"). He wonders why, if they are the ones who "save the popes" in case of emergency, they will be ignored. "Since Juan Manzur (the governor) took office, we have received absolutely nothing.We are not protected."

Although the objections are also directed to the municipal government. The radical steward Mariano Campero was presented with five records, remember. In these documents, they asked for subsidies for a vehicle. They asked to be built a barracks or a shed. And they asked that fire hydrants be installed. "There was no answer, no yes or no, they always hit the rock," he says.

Another reason for the protest is the debt that the Department of National Security has with the country's barracks. Recently, the authorities of the Council of Volunteer Fire Federations of Argentina met with deputies, to say that they have not been paid the remains of previous years. And that they have planned cuts for the next helpers. For this reason, many barracks – including those of Tucumán – declared themselves in a state of alert.

"We will not walk either. We are in the same situation and the same position, "said José Rinaldi, president of the Civil Association of Firefighters Concepción. In their case, at the end of last year, they used the national subsidy to buy a $ 47,000 truck. The vehicle is about to arrive at the port of Buenos Aires. To withdraw it, they need $ 55,000. "We are dry, we went to ask help from the businessmen and the municipality to raise this money."

Other volunteers who decided to leave for the parade are those of Tafí Viejo Angel Aguilar – of this barracks – says that the only thing they demand is that the provincial law be respected Lourdes Fernández Poblete chairs the Tucumán Volunteer Federation and the Las Talitas barracks. Tafí del Valle, San Pedro de Colalao, Colalao del Valle, Trancas and Bella Vista are also adapted to the extent, he states. "The state has no interest for us. They know that ours is a vocation; a duty And even if they give us nothing, we will continue to be there whenever society needs us. "

Emergency Preparedness, they ensure that in the coming days, they will receive help

The 24 volunteer barracks in the province receive, on average, about $ 150,000 a year, each for As this amount varies depending on the number of people available in the envelope and the vehicles used, the managers of these dependencies feel that it is about About $ 3 million a year.

Fernando Torres, Civil Protection Director for the province, area to which the different teams belong. The official badures that in the coming days, all the volunteers will receive the grants that the

When asked what the delay was, he replied that the Court of Auditors had exercised a more exhaustive control, and this caused a delay. social work will be performed through the Savings Fund, in order to avoid inconvenience.

He also says that he will summon the firefighters to a meeting to discuss the regulation of the law, in order to materialize it. And finally, he notes that next week, the Minister of Security, Claudio Maley, will summon the firefighters to hand over the grants.

There will be an official ceremony to finalize this delivery. "That day, when I'm going to get the grant back and I have to leave it in a photo, I'll feel," said Lourdes Fernández Poblete, head of the Tucumán Volunteer Federation and the Las Talitas Barracks [19659002] Source: La Gaceta

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