Tuesday 816,000 COVID-19 vaccines were applied: AMLO estimates it will soon reach one million


Video: Government of Mexico

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported on Wednesday that he yesterday broke a record of vaccines applied in the country: 816,360 doses were inoculated.

“Yesterday the vaccination record was beaten, which is very important. More than 800 thousand vaccinated yesterday, then we will respect the program ”, mentionned.

On the strength of this progress, the Mexican president assured that this week could be achieved the million vaccines administered and, thus, conclude vaccination day for people 50 to 59 years old.

“We have enough vaccines. (…) The weekend, see you Saturday, we end from 50 and continue with 40 to 49, pregnant women. And we will comply so that in October all over 18s are vaccinated even with a dose ”, reiterated.

He also announced that, only, this Sunday June 6 – election date will take place 2021 – the application of vaccines will be suspended.

(Photo: EFE / Luis Torres / File)
(Photo: EFE / Luis Torres / File)

Recall that this week began a new phase of the vaccination day, which applies to citizens of 40 to 49 years old at 11 states.

Another of the sectors that recently joined were pregnant people of legal age who are in the tenth week of gestation. In their case, they were inoculated 151,419 in the 32 states since May 11 – the date on which they were authorized to register.

With regard to educational staff, the head of the Ministry of Education (Sep), Delfina Gomez, indicated that they had previously been immunized against 2 million 743 thousand 448 (87%) teachers registered in the national register – which is integrated by three million 144 thousand 528 records.

“With that, we can say it’s over. Except that if there is a teacher who for some reason has not been vaccinated, there is still the good intention that he can go to the vaccination center to do the same. (…) And with that, give what is the first step, which is the vaccination, we’ll start with what’s back in school.“, He mentioned.

(Photo: @marthadelgado / Twitter)
(Photo: @marthadelgado / Twitter)

In Mexico they were applied 30 million 990 thousand 908 vaccines against COVID-19 from the start of the day in December 2020 until yesterday, June 1.

22 million 43 thousand 213 people to have received, at least, the first dose, which represents the 25% of the adult population. Between this one, 12 million 604 thousand 789 people (57%) they already conform to the complete diagram, while 9 million 438 thousand 424 (43%) they only have a half plan

Regarding the weekly schedule of shipments, the Federal Government reported that in the coming days the arrival of 2 million 458 thousand 990 COVID-19 vaccines from pharmaceutical companies Sinovac and Pfizer; from the latter have been received 288,990 doses from the United States yesterday.

With this, the cumulative number of vaccines received amounts to 40 million 177 thousand 665 accumulated among the five laboratories with which it has an agreement: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, SinoVac, Instituto Gamaleya (Sputnik V) and CanSino.

However, in the morning yesterday López-Gatell announced that throughout the week the batch release of AstraZeneca, product of Mexico-Argentina cooperation.


Map of coronavirus in Mexico June 2: Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Tabasco and BCS, states with increased infections
COVID vaccine registration 40 to 49 years old: everything you need to know
Will there be a vaccination day on election day in Mexico?

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