Turkey: 58 dead in floods | There are hundreds of missing


The Turkish Presidency of Disaster and Emergency Management reported that due to the floods that have affected several regions since August 11, There are at least 58 dead, eight injured and hundreds missing.

According to the Turkish authorities, Of the 58 deaths, 48 ​​correspond to the Kastamonu area, nine to Sinop and one to Bartin, while adding: “Eight of our fellow citizens continue in hospitals.”

Likewise, disaster and emergency management specifies that the other provinces affected by the floods are Bartin, Kastamonu, Azdavay; districts of Ayancık districts of Sinop province; the districts of İnebolu, Bozkurt, Küre and Pınarba.

“Immediately after the disaster, evacuation, search, rescue and response activities began with the support of personnel and vehicles from all institutions involved. All working groups started working 24/7, with the participation of senior executives and their representatives, ”said the statement from the authorities in charge of the disaster.

For the moment, they are numbered more than 2,300 citizens evacuated from the areas most affected by the natural phenomenonMost of them have been transferred to shelters organized by the executive where they receive medical and psychological care.


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